How to properly clean your home against a coronavirus

Тhe spread of the COVID-19 virus is an increasing global problem, most of us have stayed at home, and so the resonant question arises - how to clean and protect our house from the coronavirus so that we can rest assured that our home is indeed our fortress?

Today we present you some household cleaning tips that you may know, but it is not useless to remind them again because in this case, they are essential to maintain our health and that of our loved ones. We are going to refer to the use of chemicals to eliminate microbes on surfaces. Disinfection does not clean furniture or remove pathogens, but destroys them. This can further reduce the risk of spreading infection.

And don't forget - wash your hands often, avoid communication with many people and if you can, stay home!

Family members can practice routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces (tables, chairs, handles, taps, sinks, electric switches, desks, toilets, etc.) with household cleaners and EPA-registered disinfectants suitable for the respective surface, following the instructions of the labels. The labels contain instructions for safe and effective use of the cleaning product, including precautions to be taken when using it, such as wearing gloves and ensuring adequate ventilation during operation. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in the common areas of the household each day.

Tip One: Clean and then disinfect - use a simple but working cleaning method in 2 steps - first clean and then pass the surface with a disinfectant. To initially clean the surface, you can use vinegar and a microfiber cloth or just hot water. It would be best if you then used an alcohol / alcohol-based disinfectant with at least 60% alcohol content. You can also use bleach preparations in them; they are also excellent disinfectants.

Tip Two: Leave your shoes by the door - they not only bring mud into our home but can potentially spread germs and viruses. For this reason, try not to have shoes all over your home, but only in the hallway near the door. It would help if you also cleaned the floor around the front door with the necessary preparations for this purpose, clean regularly and clean the soles of the shoes you go out with.

Tip Three: Don't miss the crucial surfaces - it's easy to remember that we need to disinfect open surfaces such as the toilet and kitchen countertops, but we also need to clean those we often touch without realizing it, such as door handles, lamp keys and railings. Use bleach or another type of disinfectant and wipe thoroughly with a towel all these critical surfaces that we touch dozens of times a day! First, spray the product on a towel and then wipe the surface.

Tip Four: Pay attention to shared devices - all people at home have technological gadgets that the whole family uses and logically touches them - remote, tablets, home phone, game consoles. They are a magnet for germs, and it is essential to clean them every day with a soft towel sprayed with water and then with a towel sprayed with disinfectant. The sticks for ears can help clean the small spaces between the buttons of the remotes.

Tip Five: Use a steam cleaner - steam is an excellent ally in killing germs and removing dust and pollution. Steam cleaners can be used on all kinds of waterproof surfaces and are a great way to refresh and protect against germs. If you have such a device - use it boldly!

Tip Six: Wash well the towels with which you clean and change them often - when trying to protect your home from viruses and microbes, it is not good to use a rag or a towel to clean each surface, because this way you can spread the germs everywhere and achieve the opposite. For each surface, you should take a new towel, sponge or rag. If you think that the towel can be used again, you can do it, but before that wash it thoroughly with warm water.

Tip Seven: Disinfect thoroughly - how effective disinfection is and whether you have managed to kill all microbes depends not only on the content of the detergent itself but also on the duration of the detergent on the surfaces. This "contact time" is needed to get the most out of the disinfectant. Use detergents that guarantee 99.9% killing of microbes and let them act on the surface for at least 2-3 minutes.

Keeping all the measures and cleaning your home often will prevent your home from the virus. However if you think you can't manage to all that cleaning or you think your cleaning methods won't be enough, you can contact us: Crystal Carpet Cleaners, and we will do the work for you!

For more information, you can visit our website or contact us.

How to disinfect the car against a coronavirus

The coronavirus epidemic and calls for social distance have made the car a preferred means of transport for millions of inhabitants of the planet. However, recent studies by the Australian Chamber of Automobile Industries (FCAI) show that the car also needs daily disinfection to prevent it from becoming a site spreading the infection.

You may not believe it, but there is an average of 9 times more germs on the steering wheel of the car than on the plate of a public toilet! However, microorganisms are also discharged along with the gear lever, on seats, on the surface of the dashboard, on the screen of the infotainment system and various buttons and switches. Added to this is the proximity of travellers, which increases the risk of bacilli transmission by airborne droplets. All these are ideal prerequisites for the spread of the new Coronavirus. And even if you travel alone in the car, there is still a risk of infection due to contact with the same surfaces.

Areas that are touched most often from the hands need to be disinfected after each trip. This should be done with a disposable mask and gloves. Once a week it is good to treat the whole car against viruses, visiting a car wash. It is recommended that the cabin be ventilated after each trip and that the filter for the air entering the cabin be replaced more often than usual.

Here are some tips you could follow to keep your car clean:

According to experts, the gear lever, all opening systems for the doors, seats and the surface of the dashboard are the most problematic areas. However, the steering wheel turns out to be the place where there are the most microbes. Excessive cleaners should not be used in the car, as they can damage the surfaces. Even a solution of soap and water and a microfiber cloth is sufficient. Handkerchiefs with a minimum of 70% alcohol content are also a convenient option on the go. However, regular use is not recommended in the long run. The reason - most skins are painted, and over time alcohol can change colour. Ozone the body with a particular machine is the most modern disinfection technology and remove the bacteria from the air conditioning system most efficiently. According to SBA experts, there are products that drivers should not use on the interior. These are bleach or preparations with hydrogen peroxide. Although proven in the fight against the Coronavirus, they damage the upholstery. From there, it is recommended not to disinfect touch screens with preparations containing ammonia, as they damage their coatings against flashes and fingerprints.

If you are driving a car in the current situations and most probably it is essential to do your work, sooner or later you will need to put some fuel. Even on the gas station pay attention to the hygienic measures. Keep to a minimum the conversation and keep the minimum social distance. Choose gas stations that are self-serviced, wash your hand or at least disinfect them after refuelling or touching the banknotes to pay. Last but not least don't keep any rubbish in our car, because firstly it is not healthy for you, then you are just calling the germs in your car to spread even more.

If you consider this too much work for you, or you simply don't have the time to do that, you can contact us: Crystal Carpet Cleaners. We are offering professional car upholstery that can kill all the germs, and your car will look perfectly clean!

For more information, you can visit our website or contact us.

Home or professional cleaning of a mattress during the COVID-19 pandemic

It's good to know how to clean a mattress, considering the dirt that accumulates on this soft surface, on which, think about it, you spend a lot of time. A person spends an average of about a third of his life in bed, so it is one of the places at home that needs to be cleaned with great diligence and attention. It is also important to dry any liquids spilt on the mattress on time to avoid the appearance of stains, mould and mould spores. In addition to being harmful to your health, they also emit an unpleasant odour.

The good news is that cleaning the mattress is a lot easier than you might imagine. There may be dust, mites and other microbes on the mattress that should be regularly cleaned. All these germs are unwanted, especially during a global pandemic. If a person does not bathe before bedtime every night, the mattress can accumulate dirt, oils and chemicals from various toiletries, even pollen. Regular cleaning with a vacuum cleaner and concentrate will provide perfect cleanliness, fresh aroma and a more comfortable holiday. However, when these activities have been neglected for a long time, it is often necessary to remove old stubborn stains.

The mould is the most dangerous pollutant that occurs in high humidity. Its presence can be due to both poor insulation of the walls and a wet and unsuitable mattress. Frequent flooding with liquids also causes unpleasant yellowish deposits, and when you didn't clean your mattress on time, the mould that is created is blamed for many respiratory problems. Problem areas are treated with home recipes or a chemical, but additional disinfection is mandatory in either case (even if the preparation contains a disinfectant.

Just follow this guide to learn how to clean your mattress, and if you follow the instructions, the only thing that will keep you awake at night are the tasks you have planned for the next day.

Before you start cleaning your mattress, take off the sheets. Wash and dry the top mattress, then the sheets and finally the covers and bed cover. First, check the product labels and wash at the maximum allowable temperature, as the heat will kill the mites in the bed linen. While the washing machine is doing its job, pay attention to the mattress.

1. Vacuum cleaner

The small vacuum cleaner upholstery plugin is your best ally for cleaning mattresses. Start at the top of the mattress and continue down, then vacuum the side parts in the same way. Don't worry about the other side of the mattress yet, we'll get to it

2. Scenting

Although we do not usually notice or smell our body odours, over time, the mattress absorbs sweat and accumulating over time leads to an easily palpable unpleasant aroma. To get rid of this problem, sprinkle the mattress generously with baking soda and carefully rub it with a brush so that it absorbs in the fabric of the mattress where the smell collects. Leave the soda for 10 minutes and then...

3. Use the vacuum cleaner again

Using the soda to clean the mattress, this helps to extract moisture and greasy particles in its upper layers. Use the vacuum cleaner to pull this moisture out, along with the cause of the odour.

4. Remove the stains

Mattresses usually contain several types of stains: food, coffee and body fluids. Although it is best to treat stains immediately, sometimes sleep is more important. Still, it's nice to solve the stain problem sooner or later.

5. Turn the mattress over and repeat steps 1-4

It is recommended that mattresses rotate and turn weekly for the first three months after purchase, then once every three months. If your mattress still doesn't allow it to turn it each month, you can always turn it every season.

Professional cleaning companies have extensive experience in the deep removal of mould from mattresses. Crystal Carpet Cleaners washes mouldy areas of each mattress model quickly and thoroughly. Our method of washing is exceptionally useful in cleaning mattresses and mattresses from stains and in their disinfection. It is the most powerful known means of destroying harmful bacteria and erasing bad odours. At the same time, the possibility of allergies or diseases occurring in residential buildings is eliminated. This is vital for people with allergies, respiratory problems and illnesses such as asthma. It is also important to note that no traces are left as a result of the washing process, which means that it is entirely safe for both family and children and pets.

For more information, you can visit our website or contact us.

Perfectly cleaned bathroom – The big challenge!

Probably everyone asks the questions: "How to clean the bathroom perfectly?", "Is there any way to quickly and brilliantly clean the bathroom?" Yes, there is. The secret is in the right sequence, a good brush and a little disinfectant. Cleaning the bathroom is one of the most unpleasant parts of cleaning your home. It takes the most time, effort, detergent and hard rubbing. By the time it's all over, we're ready to use the freshly cleaned bathroom with a hot shower. Here are some tips for easy and perfect bathroom cleaning:

Tip № 1: Good preparation Proper preparation in cleaning the bathroom includes:

To prepare your detergents and utensils, take a convenient bucket and dissolve in it the right ratio of bleach or another disinfectant. Collect any excess that would interfere with cleaning and remove it from the bathroom. Here we are talking about all the shampoos, tubes, sponges, brushes and the like that we have arranged on shelves, bathtubs or tiles.

Tip № 2: Start with the hardest zones Before you start the actual brushing and scrubbing, soak whatever you need in a disinfectant.   First of all, this is the toilet bowl. Pour a decent amount of bleach, acid or other strong disinfectants into it and leave for at least 2 hours. With the places on the faience, on which scale or other heavy pollution has formed, you can do the same - soak them with the detergent. Try to provide proper ventilation. Do not leave the doors closed. Remember that fumes from such preparations are toxic. Important! Be sure to use a face mask and gloves while cleaning! You can also use an environmentally friendly version of this disinfectant. And this is ordinary baking soda and wine vinegar - a tablespoon of baking soda in half a litre of vinegar.

Tip № 3: Clean from top to bottom As with the other rooms, the ceiling-to-floor principle applies to the bathroom. Start by cleaning the cobwebs and dust. You can intentionally let them fall to the floor.

Tip № 4: The most polluted areas In this step of cleaning the bathroom, proceed to the most polluted areas - corners along with the sink, walls, bathtub. Take a powder detergent and rub these areas with it. Soda and vinegar will also do a great job. Leave to stand for half an hour. Then rinse with water.

Tip № 5: Less hard sections   You can now proceed with the Less dense areas, which do not require heavy cleaning. Take another brush or sponge and a solution with an effective faience detergent and clean these areas. Important! Be careful not to use the same sponge to clean the toilet and sink.

Tip № 6: Areas with mould or mildew Spray them with a solution of bleach or disinfectant and leave for 1 hour. Then rinse gently with water. Be careful not to rub the areas with mould. First, soak them with the detergent.

Tip № 7: Shower cleaning Do not use abrasive brushes or sponges or detergents with abrasive particles. Get a cleaner designed for shower and faucets. It is best to thoroughly soak these elements with the appropriate cleanser and leave them to act for half an hour. Then with a soft sponge or cloth, you can clean and rinse with water. To avoid drying out the water droplets on these elements, you can dry with a towel.

Tip № 8: The toilet bowl Toilet cleaning is one of the most critical areas. After you have poured a lot of disinfectant over the toilet bowl and left it to stand for 2 hours, you can proceed with the cleaning itself. Be sure to pass the areas below the edge. Attention! Start cleaning from the "cleanest" to the dirtiest areas. It is best to use a new sponge or brush for washing every time, and after finishing, you should throw away the used one.

Tip № 9: The toilet brush You can leave it in its stand by filling it not only with water, but also pour a little bleach or another strong disinfectant inside it. Replace this "mixture" regularly. For example, once a week. That will contribute many times to more excellent disinfection and hygiene of the toilet during the week.   In case you order a necessary cleaning of your home, we will clean your bathroom correctly! 

Call Us: 07557914387, 02036215221

Professional cleaning – to hire a company or a person?

No doubt, returning to your perfectly clean home is quite pleasant and satisfying. Of course, cleaning takes up a lot of our free time. Professional cleaning is always right. Sometimes people prefer to hire a cleaner rather than a professional cleaning company. There are several, but excellent reasons to choose a professional cleaning company, rather than a person to clean it yourself. Most of them are related to the quality of the cleaning and security of your home.

Quality of detergents If you want to hire a person to clean your home, he will use the detergents you have in your home, and if you do not have everything you need - buy suitable detergents.   On the other hand, the professional cleaning company has its cleaning products - those that are for professional use. Their cleaning properties are much higher, and they deal with extremely stubborn stains and dirt. Besides, the company has sufficient quantities, so there is no way to run out of detergents during operation.

Security of your home Hiring a person to clean your home is not always safe. Of course, the cost of hiring such a person may be lower than hiring a professional cleaning company, but this does not mean that the whole service will not be even more expensive. The guarantees from the individual are often verbal and come from himself, and there is rarely a way to verify them.   At a professional cleaning company, each worker has carefully verified before being hired. The integrity of the client's belongings is of the utmost importance for a cleaning company, as any mistake can lead to its end. Therefore, recruitment takes place after an extremely detailed inspection to make sure that your home is in safe hands.

Professional cleaning and speed The individual cleaner works as fast as their professionalism allows. In most cases, this is not very fast or at the expense of quality.

The professional cleaning company has more than one worker. Also, what happens if the cleaner you hire gets sick? There will hardly be anyone to replace him/her. At a professional cleaning company, the absence of one person does not slow down the process, because there is always someone to replace him, without affecting the quality. If you want to take advantage of the professional services of a trusted company with a lot of experience, do not hesitate to contact us. Take a look at our services here or contact us, and you can see examples of our work in our gallery -

How to extend the life of the carpet

We all know that despite their excellent appearance, carpets are like a nest for various contaminants. Without proper cleaning and maintenance, they can absorb a lot of dust and hair. Improper maintenance and cleaning can also damage your carpets and rugs. This article gives you recommendations for regular cleaning of carpets and rugs, with an emphasis on everyday stains and dirt. Note that some natural fabrics (silk, wool, etc.) are susceptible to high-pressure water and cleaning with some chemical agents. That's why you need to choose the safest and most effective way to clean natural carpets and rugs.  

  1. The best way to clean something is, first of all, to keep it from getting dirty.
  2. Regular use of a vacuum cleaner is easy and safe to remove light dirt.
  3. A single cleaning of stains will cause them to spread and smudge, leading to absorption even deeper into the carpet. That can seriously harm him.
  4. Some spots tend to reappear. Just when you think you've cleared the stain, it appears. To avoid this problem, leave a towel with detergent on the stain for several hours. It could absorb most of the dirt. Then, clean regularly.
  5. Avoid drying stains with irons or hair dryers. That would only make the stain even more stubborn.
  6. Steam cleaning is a perfect way to remove any stains and freshen the carpet.
  7. In the case of mould and mildew, use bleach for white fabrics or other special detergents for cleaning coloured fabrics. Cleaning liquids can be harmful if not used correctly or in the wrong amounts. Take the time to read the instructions and notes on the various cleaners.
  8. It would be best if you cleaned the liquids spilt on carpets as soon as possible to avoid further tissue damage. In case of stubborn stains from spilling liquids (coffee, wine, etc.), use some of the many products for cleaning special stains. If you do not have detergents, another excellent and easy way to deal with the soiled area is a mixture of water and vinegar.
  9. As mentioned above, vacuuming is the primary and easiest way to keep your carpets clean. Do it as often as possible. High-quality vacuum cleaners can be beneficial. Make sure you use them properly and maintain them properly, clean their bags, filters and containers more often.
  10. When necessary, use the lightest cleaning chemicals, as they do not damage carpets. More reliable cleaners should only be used against very stubborn stains.

If, however, you can not handle yourself, do not hesitate to contact us - +44 7557 914387.

Three methods for successful carpet cleaning

Need successful methods for cleaning carpet stains? You have come to the right place! The truth is that children often spill and spill all kinds of liquids on carpets and carpets in houses. The good news is that with our tips for effective carpet cleaning, you can tackle the problem. We will give you three practical tips that will help you clean stains on carpets and rugs like true professionals. Just remember - you don't have to do it yourself! When the children are old enough to handle the rag, please encourage them to handle the dirt they have made on their own. You will find that in this way it will happen less and less often.

  1. Prepare to remove stains

When children are at home, it is essential to be ready at all times. Here is a list of the consumables you will need to clean stains on the carpet or rug effectively:

These consumables will help you deal with most everyday stains. For everything else, you will need a vacuum cleaner or broom.

  1. SOS stain removal: act fast!

The best way to clean stains by hand is to attack the stains immediately. Use a material that absorbs well to absorb liquids and remove harder debris. Avoid rubbing and smearing, as this will fix the stain and make it harder to remove. After most of the fluid has soaked up, lift the paper and sprinkle baking soda on the stain to soak up the rest. You can then vacuum the area.

  1. SOS stain removal: eliminate the stain with bath products

Now it's time for the rest of the stain. It sounds fantastic, but the best way to clean a rug is with a product that you use for other purposes, and that is shaving foam. Here's how to clean your carpet:

That should be enough to successfully remove stains from the carpet, no matter how serious or greasy they are. If you do not have shaving foam, you can make a cleaning paste from baking soda and water, or smear the stain with a few drops of white, synthetic vinegar for cleaning. Before that, however, be sure to test on a small, hidden area to make sure that the vinegar will not discolour your carpet. If, however, you can't deal with some sections, do not hesitate to contact us +44 7557 914387.

How to protect your loved ones and your home from viruses?

How to protect your loved ones and your home from viruses?

Navigating through flu season requires a blend of personal vigilance and collective responsibility, especially as we encounter daily scenarios that increase our risk of exposure, such as commuting on public transportation. While it's crucial to shield ourselves from becoming a statistic in the rising tally of flu cases, our concern doesn't end with self-protection. For those of us who find ourselves under the weather, the imperative shifts towards safeguarding the health of our loved ones, aiming to prevent our homes from turning into breeding grounds for the virus.

This article is designed to arm you with a comprehensive strategy to combat the flu, detailing proactive measures and practical advice to fortify your defense against this seasonal adversary. From adopting rigorous cleaning regimes to embracing a culture of disinfection, our guide offers a blueprint to not just survive the flu season, but to do so while minimizing the risk to yourself and those around you. Read on to discover the essential steps, tips, and methods that promise to elevate your flu season preparedness to the next level.

If you need professional help, we are here for you. Do not hesitate, but look for us: +44 7557 914387

How to prepare and clean our home if we are expecting a child?

With the baby coming home, hygiene should be at a level. It is no longer just about dust removal and window blurring. How is it best to keep your home and what preparations to use? In this article, we will share useful tips.

You must clean the home thoroughly before the baby comes. In the first days after birth, his immune system is immature, and your home has to be perfectly clean. That is why a few weeks before giving birth, you can ask your future grandmother or daddy to help you clean.

Before washing the carpet with detergent, you must first obtain the dust from it. The same goes for terracotta and furniture. In this way, the active ingredients in the disinfectant and detergents will get to the hiding germs faster. Microorganisms die when cleaned with a steam cleaner. That is especially true for harmful mites, which are the leading cause of allergies and which are hidden mainly in carpets, fabrics, mattresses and pillows. Steam cleaners clean any surfaces that withstand high temperatures. They are efficient when having a baby at home as they do not use chemicals but operate at high (100 ° C) temperatures.

Direct sunlight is part of the physical methods of disinfection. If you want to destroy pathogens on your child's clothes, blanket, pillow, or plush toy, leave them in the sun for at least a few hours. It is essential to know that through the glass, the action of sunlight decreases dramatically. It is advisable to iron your child's clothes.

Dry heat is one of the most effective methods of disinfection. The high temperature of the iron destroys bacteria, viruses and spores. Laundry has the same effect. Don't worry and add bleach to your kid's white clothes. There is no danger of it irritating his skin. The chlorine contained in it will be dried at high water temperature, dried and ironed. On the other hand, be sure to rinse the baby's clothes. It is good to wash at 90 ° C.

Cleaning with preparations is part of the chemical methods of disinfection. There is no universal disinfectant. Proper selection is vital to avoid the risk of damage to the materials used to make the home furnishings. You can use chlorine-containing preparations such as bleach to disinfect your home, but you must follow the instructions carefully. It is preferable to wash the treated surfaces once more with water. About 60% of microorganisms die after washing with detergent. When cleaning the child's toys, be sure to rinse them afterwards. It is good to boil the rubber toys and wipe the rest with 3% oxygen water. That water also is excellent to clean furniture as it has unique disinfectant properties. When disinfection is performed, it is advisable for the child to be outside for a walk.

The biggest carrier of contagion is dirty hands. Therefore, the mother should wash her hands regularly with water and soap. Only wetting your hands can be dangerous. It is essential that when you wash your hands, remove the rings and clean the areas between your fingers and under your nails.

The cutlery for the newborn must be boil at least until the child is six months of age. If you are worried, you can sterilize bottles and spoons until the child is 1 hour old. It is also essential to boil and towel and the baby's lining. Soak them in cold water, in which you can add a spoonful of baking soda or so-called Sodium bicarbonate, and let them boil for 30 minutes.

Door handles and windows are the places where most pathogens congregate. Most people do not think about how different bacteria can be transferred home with their hands. Therefore, these areas should be clean daily.    

Quick home cleaning tips

There are a lot more fun, enjoyable and romantic things in the world than home cleaning. But that must be over. In order not to waste precious moments of your life with a vacuum cleaner and a rag, we will give you some quick cleaning tips. Тhus you can spend hours with your loved ones!

  1. You must have quick and easy access to appliances and cleaners. Do not lose your motivation and strength in your search for a vacuum cleaner. Keep cleaning supplies and appliances in a comfortable place.
  2. Everything is more fun with music! Music creates a kick that helps you act faster. Prepare fast and rhythmic songs that boost your mood and make you feel good. That will help you move quicker and increase your motivation. Remove any temptations that keep you focused - TV or PC, for example.
  3. Start with the most annoying! Start cleaning with the room you clean last. If you leave the most unpleasant part in the end, you will probably experience the most annoyance and not clear it well. In the beginning, we are most effective, and after we finish the most unpleasant task, everything else will be more accessible for us.
  4. Do not waste time cleaning things that do not need cleaning Clean items that are dust and in dire need of cleaning. Do not recess.
  5. Clean in time If the stove becomes dirty while cooking, clean it immediately. If children spill juice on the floor during play, clean immediately. That will help you save time and effort in the long run.
  6. Do not use too many detergents! Usually, we use more detergent to keep it cleaner at home. However, this can have unpleasant consequences. Excess detergents can cause some surfaces to break. It may also stain. Note that some cleaners do not act instantly but must be left to break down dirt. Therefore, 1 read the instructions for use.
    * Soda and vinegar have excellent cleaning properties and are completely harmless. They are also inexpensive, which is a good enough reason to include them in detergents.
  7. Top to bottom Wines start cleaning from above and keep getting lower. Finally, leave the floor. That will avoid stains from cleaning agents.
  8. From dry to moist Start with a dry cleaning (vacuum cleaner), then move to wet cleaning. Doing so will prevent dust and dirt from spreading.
  9. Take away any appliances and supplies you have used at their place In this way, subsequent cleaning will not be hard to find next time. You will be ready faster, and you will not waste time finding a rag.

Cleaning may not be the most enjoyable job for you, but when you do it quickly and successfully, the result will surely delight you. If, however, you are unable or unwilling to tackle this task alone, we are here to help.  

If you found these tips useful, you'll be interested in our article on how to clean roman blinds.