How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles are small oval-shaped insects, usually no larger than a ladybug. Despite their name, they attack almost all organic materials and natural fabrics, including clothes, blankets, animal furs, wool rugs and carpets.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to get rid of carpet beetles because once they are in your home, they lay eggs on any available surface that is suitable for them. The eggs themselves are invisible to the naked eye and they hatch carpet beetle larvae that are the culprit of damage to natural fibres in your carpets, upholstery, curtains and more.

To prevent carpet beetles from forming infested areas, you need to get rid of adult carpet beetles. Unlike their larvae, adult beetles are harmless, but you have to remove them to prevent future infestations.

How we can help with your carpet beetle infestation

One of the best ways to get rid of carpet beetles involves steam carpet cleaning, otherwise known as hot water extraction. If you are worried about residual insecticide and side effects from the treatment against a carpet beetle infestation, we bring a safe and effective method to solve the issue. Steam cleaning is a great way to remove unwanted bed bugs and carpet beetles from carpeting, rugs and upholstery. The temperature alone eliminates furniture carpet beetles, their eggs and larvae.

This cleaning method kills off any varied carpet beetle on the surface, removing deeply ingrained residue and refreshing the whole area at the same time. Carpet beetles lay eggs deep within the natural fibres of carpeting and rugs, which even a nozzle vacuum cleaner may not have access to. Hot water extraction fixes this by removing carpet beetle eggs with ease, along with food stains and embedded dirt. It is one of the best forms of pest control available.

How to identify carpet beetles and carpet beetle larvae?

Carpet beetle larvae are also referred to as woolly bear larvae. They are banded in appearance and have very short bristles reaching up to 5mm. They are very similar to small caterpillars. Once woolly bears mature, they develop oval-shaped bodies and antennae.

The carpet beetle comes in a few different kinds. The varied carpet beetle comes in a combination of colours: black, orange or white speckled appearance. They are 2 to 4 mm long. There is also the black carpet beetle, which only has one solid colour - black. They are probably the largest of all carpet beetles, reaching up to 1cm in length.

If you notice carpet beetles easily, it is probably the black carpet beetles as they are more shiny. There is also the furniture carpet beetle, which is a cousin to the varied carpet beetle. Their shell is easily distinguishable with black and white markings.

All of these carpet beetles will eat almost anything, but some of them have preferences. Furniture and varied adult carpet beetles feed on natural fibres like leather and wool. Black carpet beetles on the other hand feast on food items like cereal, pet food and oats. It is important to remember what the common household pests like to feed on because that way you will know where to look for them.

How do carpet beetles enter your home?

Being the small insects that they are, carpet beetles don't have much trouble finding their way into your home. Sometimes you can bring in carpet beetles via freshly cut flowers and other plants you bring inside. Of course, carpet beetles fly and can freely enter your home through open windows, doors and air vents. Some carpet beetles can also cling to pet hair and your clothing only to be brought inside undetected. If your home has any sort of opening, such as a chimney, electrical conduits or vents.

Once inside your home, carpet beetles infest furniture, carpets and rugs alike. Many of these insects dwell near dried foods (including pet food) and potpourri. If you are a hunter and have mounted trophies, carpet beetles may hide within their fur.

Signs there are carpet beetles in your home

Carpet beetles live outdoors. That is where they breed and feed on nectar, flower pollen and other plant components. However, they are easily attracted by light sources and foods indoors. When they find the overabundance of food in human habitats, they move in. Coupled with the lack of adverse weather conditions and lack of natural predators, carpet beetles can make themselves comfortable inside.

What are the signs of a carpet beetle infestation to look for? Here are some of the most obvious things:

If you notice some of these signs, you should do further research and observations around your home. If it's the case you are dealing with rampant carpet beetles, you should act quickly. If you still can not find carpet beetles, it is best to contact a licensed pest control expert.

How to get rid of carpet beetles?

Now that you know more about these insects, it is time to find out some effective ways to get rid of carpet beetles. Follow these steps if you want to find out how to get rid of carpet beetles in the most efficient manner:

Find the source of beetles

Before you eliminate carpet beetles, you have to find where they are or at least where they are most active. Most of the time adult carpet beetles tend to stick close to their food source. This means underneath heavy furniture pieces, especially in carpeted areas; inside food cabinets and drawers and at the edge of a carpet or rug. If you locate damage on upholstered furniture and carpets, it is likely the beetles are close by.

Vacuum the area

When you locate the pest infestation of tiny beetles, the easiest immediate form of control you can exercise is through vacuuming the area. A good enough vacuum cleaner can remove beetles from affected surfaces, as well as their eggs, larvae and any dead insects. Move on to vacuuming the sofa and any other upholstered furniture around the area. Use vacuum attachments for hard-to-reach areas. It is best to vacuum daily until the infestation is gone. After that, regular vacuuming will ensure you have less trouble with all sorts of bed bugs and carpet beetles.

Apply boric acid powder

Many insects die when they come into contact with boric acid and carpet beetles are no exception. Sprinkle the product all over the affected area and within a good radius of it. This will quickly kill carpet beetles, along with their eggs and larvae. If you have any pets around, you should remove them from the area. The product may cause some unwanted effects in them so it is best to keep them away until it is fully cleaned. You can find boric acid in the laundry aisle of the grocery store, as well as some pharmacies.

Wash it all

Washable covers and fabrics should be washed in hot water. This means clothing, bedding, cushion covers, towels and curtains. Check the label on each of these items and set the highest recommended temperature. As for carpets and rugs, it is best practice to shampoo them or steam clean them after you have removed the beetles. That way you will be sure the infestation is gone.

Toss out infested food

If you find carpet beetles in your food supplies, toss out the food that shows any signs of infestation. Do the same for foods you suspect might be attracting the insects.

Opt for natural remedies

If you are not sold on the idea of calling pest control and you wish to deal with the problem with some natural solutions, you can start with diatomaceous earth. Sprinkle the infested area and wait for an hour. It will kill off the larvae in no time. Just make sure you go with food-grade diatomaceous earth to ensure your safety and that of your pets. You can find it in agricultural feed stores.

Another solution is apple cider vinegar. Mix one part water and one part white vinegar in a spray bottle. Apply the product over the infested area and wait 30 minutes. You should then vacuum the area to remove the residue.

Got a moth problem with your carpets? You may be interested in reading our guide on how to get rid of carpet moths.

How can you prevent carpet beetles?

The best form of pest control is prevention, i.e. when you don't need to worry about carpet beetles in the first place. There are a few things you can do to reduce the chance of infestation at home.

Vacuum regularly

Perhaps the easiest thing to do is to stay on top of your vacuum cleaning. Not only does it reduce the chance of carpet beetle eggs making it to the next stage of their life cycle, but you also keep the carpet and rugs of your home clean and free of pollutants.

Open your closet for a few hours each day

Carpet beetles prefer dark places to hide. Opening your closet and wardrobe to natural light for a few hours each day can discourage the insects from setting up their colony inside. As for clothes, make sure you pack them away in airtight containers for the season as a barrier to unwanted guests.

Replace the various organic materials with synthetic fibres

Since carpet beetles and other insects feed on fabrics made out of natural materials, you can reduce the chance of getting these unwanted guests in your home by replacing said fabrics with synthetics.

Frequently Asked Questions

What instantly kills carpet beetles?

Carpet beetles are vulnerable to sudden changes in the environment. You can put infested pieces of clothing and covers in the fridge and essentially freeze carpet beetles. The insects will die of shock. You can also apply ice cubes in a bag to areas of infestation.

Can you get an allergic reaction to carpet beetles?

It is quite likely to get various forms of skin irritation from carpet beetle larvae. The small hairs on them act as irritants, which can cause rashes and the urge to scratch the affected area of the skin.

Can you completely get rid of carpet beetles?

You can remove carpet beetles by intensive cleaning and application of specialised products around the infested areas. You can also consult with a pest control professional for further aid.

What scent keeps carpet beetles away?

Essential oils act as natural deterrents to all kinds of insects, including carpet beetles. You can dilute peppermint oil and olive oil with water and spray the areas you suspect of beetle activity.

Image Credit: André Karwath aka Aka, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

How to Get Rid of Moths in Carpets

Image credit: Institution:Mississippi Entomological Museum, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Carpet moths can be a nuisance if you do not deal with them. They may seem small and insignificant, but while in their larvae stage, they can cause significant damage to tapestries, rugs, carpets and other soft furnishings.

Carpet moths are also known as Tapestry moths. They are a subspecies in the Tineidae moths, whose larvae feed on fungi, detritus and materials with keratin protein found in animal-based fibres. These carpet moths are common all around the round. If you notice threadbare patches on your rugs, carpets and hide decorations, then you have a moth problem.

The following guide will teach you more about carpet moths, how they end up in your home and develop into carpet moth infestations and how you can get rid of carpet moths efficiently.

How to get rid of carpet moths with natural treatments?

Many efficient methods help you deal with carpet moths naturally. Here are a few of them:

Vacuum regularly to get rid of carpet moths

Vacuuming is perhaps the simplest way to keep your carpet safe from both carpet moths and clothes moths. A good vacuum cleaner can kill carpet moths before they have become a problem by removing their larvae, eggs and even live insects from the crevices. Another step to solve your carpet moth problem is steam cleaning.

The larvae, eggs and adult case-bearing moths tend to die when exposed to high temperatures. A steam cleaner's temperature is well-suited for the task and it leaves your carpet looking fresh and new. This is the best way to remove carpet moths and remove deeply ingrained dirt deep within the fibres.

Vacuuming regularly is a simple form of moth control. You should be doing it at all times, not just when you identify carpet moths and want to take steps to rectify the situation. By vacuuming your carpet, you can reduce the chance of encountering the case-bearing clothes moth in addition to the carpet moth.

Get rid of carpet moths with white vinegar

Prepare a solution of one part white vinegar and two parts water. Use it to wipe down drawers, furniture, walls, cabinets and other hard surfaces in the areas where you suspect clothes moths and carpet moths eat clothes. Vinegar is a great natural solution to kill carpet moths thanks to its acidity. Not only does it deter moths but also removes their eggs and any lingering pheromones.

You can spray it on most fabrics, including those with natural fibres. If you want to be sure it's safe, you can test it on a small spot first to see if the colour is affected or if there is any other issue. Apply it with a sponge, a wet rag or by directly spraying it from a spray bottle.

Diatomaceous earth is also an option

Another organic way to deal with the adult carpet moth and clothes moth infestation is by sprinkling diatomaceous earth. It's completely safe for children and pets, but it can kill moths thanks to its contents. You should sprinkle it in the area infested by the common clothes moths, then leave it for a day. It takes some time to work, as moths and larvae need to come into contact with its powdery substance. You then just vacuum the area where the carpet moths tend to move around and you are done.

Set some moth traps

If you are looking for a simple-to-use solution for adult moths, you can try out moth traps. These come in a variety of products and solutions, typically glue strips and adhesive pads. Traps are usually laden with an agent that attracts the moths. It is a form of moth control, which works to attract and disable them before they have had a chance to go for your delicious carpets.

Insecticide sprays

If all else fails, you can go all-out with insecticide sprays. They are fast-acting solutions that can save your natural materials from case-bearing clothes moths and all other kinds of moth infestations. Moth sprays should only be applied to the guidelines on their label. Do not use them for purposes they are not designed for, such as dealing with bed bugs. You need to pay close attention to the product and what it specialises in.

How to identify a carpet moth infestation?

If you want to know for sure that you are dealing with a carpet moth infestation, you need to look for the telltale signs. Threadbare patches on the carpet are very visible evidence of a clothes moth problem. This is especially true if the problem is in a room that you don't use often. You can also notice some signs of carpet moth eggs in dark corners and closets, or beneath furniture.

Other indicators of carpet moths are bald patches on taxidermy, sticky webbing around skirting boards and beneath furniture you may be dealing with insects. The pupa stage leaves white cocoon casings so you can easily notice them. Apart from the white cocoon casings left on the carpet, keep your eyes open for moth activity and dead moths around dark corners, under furniture and in cracks/crevices of any room you don't use often. If you see any, immediately inspect the place for carpet moth eggs and larvae.

You may be interested in reading our guide on how to get rid of carpet beetles.

Here is what you should know about carpet moths

If you wish to get rid of carpet moths, you first need to understand them better. Knowing where to find them, what they eat and their carpet moth larvae will enable you to employ the best carpet moth treatment.

What are carpet moths?

The scientific name of these insects is Trichophaga Tapetzella and they are found all over the world. Carpet moths tend to vary in colour, but can usually be dark brown or creamy white. Carpet moth larvae are resilient to any climate and for this reason, can become a problem no matter where you live.

And while a carpet moth measures only less than an inch in length, they can be a problem. It is worth noting that it is not so much adult carpet moths that you should worry about, but rather their ravenous larvae stage that can cause damage to any household item with kreatin contents. Moth larvae need this substance to grow into adult carpet moths and reproduce.

What is the carpet moth life cycle?

There are four stages in the life cycle of a carpet moth: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The female adult carpet moth lays their eggs in materials rich in keratin, such as tapestries, wool, carpets and other soft furnishings. When the eggs hatch, carpet moth larvae feed intensively until the pupa stage occurs.

When a larva has consumed enough sustenance, they weave a cocoon to protect them as they metamorphose. Once they emerge from their cocoon, adults seek a mate to repeat this cycle. That is why you need to get rid of carpet moths and kill carpet moth larvae before you have a real carpet moth infestation on your hands.

How do carpet moths enter your home?

These insects tend to enter into houses and other buildings in a variety of ways. The simplest explanation is that an adult moth has entered through the window or door to lay eggs inside. It can also be the case that the eggs were unwillingly carried inside.

For example, they can get on a carpet roll that has been left outside during renovation or attached to the underside of furniture. It is important to inspect all thrift stores and secondhand items you bring home for carpet moth infestation.

If you have been keeping any items with natural fibres in a storage unit or a garage for a prolonged period, you should inspect them thoroughly for a carpet moth problem before you bring them back inside.

How to prevent carpet moths?

Experts agree that the easiest and most effective way of preventing issues with carpet moths is to stay on top of your cleaning. Vacuuming the carpet regularly can remove the eggs and larvae of the insects before they become a problem. Additionally, make sure you vacuum underneath heavy furniture and move the items aside now and then to clean the floor there.

Inspect dark closets, wardrobes and enclosed areas for any signs of moth activity. It is best to catch them early than to allow them time to increase their numbers and wreak havoc on the carpets and clothes. Be especially mindful of dark rooms with damp conditions, as those provide the ideal environment for moths. Make sure you fix any kind of leak in a room with a carpet or introduce a dehumidifier to reduce the overall level of moisture in rooms with a lot of natural fabrics.

In Conclusion

Carpet moths can be found all over the world. They can be particularly troublesome for carpets in dark rooms, as their larvae feed on the fibres. The way to remove them is to stay on top of your vacuum cleaning and apply natural products such as vinegar and water, or commercial insecticides when you want to deal with the problem quickly.

If you need help, our steam carpet cleaning can handle the moth larvae and prevent them from destroying your carpets. Give us a call for a free quote today!

FAQs about killing carpet moths and carpet moth larvae

What causes moths in the carpet?

The most common reason for these moths appearing in your home is that they are just looking for a place to lay eggs. Carpeting is an ideal environment for moth eggs and larvae because it is made of natural fibres they can later feed on. Before they move to the pupa stage of their life cycle, carpet moths feed on carpet fibres, bird feathers and animal hair. Another reason for carpet moth and common clothes moth problems is poor cleaning of the rooms.

What is the fastest way to get rid of carpet moths?

Doing a deep clean of the carpet is a good first step in the process. Vacuuming removes the eggs and larvae from the fibres, while steam cleaning can kill off the remaining insects. You can also employ a combination of treatment methods, such as insecticides, vinegar and water solutions, traps, etc.

Will vacuuming get rid of carpet moths?

Vacuuming is a great way to deal with moth eggs and larvae of these insects. It is a nice preventive method, which ensures there will be no adult insects and that your carpets will remain in a clean and fresh condition at all times.

How long do carpet moths last?

The life cycle of these creatures consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The longest one is the larval stage, which can last up to six months. Adult moths, on the other hand, only live for about two to three weeks.

How To Clean A Wool Rug At Home: 9 Tips & Tricks

A new wool rug is nothing like your ordinary carpets and rugs. It's probably hand-dyed and hand-woven and the dies themselves are made of natural materials like flowers, insects, and spices.

This renders wool overly delicate and prone to damage. That’s why the majority of cleaning methods aren’t effective and should altogether be avoided. In this post, we’ll give you a rundown on how to clean a wool rug at home: what to do and what not to do.

Key Takeaways

How to Clean a Wool Rug: Tips & Tricks

vacuum cleaning a rug

 1. Always run a vacuum cleaner on both sides of the wool rug

For regular cleaning, you need a vacuum cleaner with a rotating brush. Lay the rug flat and focus on both sides of the fabric. This should also be the first step you implement before you start deep cleaning your wool rug. It will remove any loose dirt so you can easily get rid of the remaining grime.

Don’t worry, the suction motion is not going to damage the fibres because it’s not as powerful as the suction motion from a heavy-duty carpet cleaner. Just make sure to focus on the top of the wool area rug. Also, if you are working on a wool rug with fringed edges, you may want to avoid the edges unless you are equipped with an upholstery attachment.

Regular vacuuming is an important part of the process that should be done every week or so, regardless of whether the fabric receives a lot of foot traffic or not. It can reduce the frequency of deep cleaning sessions.

2. Power washing the wool carpet on a lower setting is okay

The best way to agitate the dirt out of the fabric without damaging the material is to man-wash your wool rugs and carpets.

Since you don’t have specialised agitators available only to professional cleaners, your best bet is to use a power wash or a hose to get the job done. It's vital to stick with cold water all the way through. Always go above and beyond to dry the fabric after that.

3. Do not use a carpet cleaning machine to clean your wool rug at home

While steam cleaner and hot water extraction machines are great for the majority of carpets, they are not suitable for wool rugs when you need a deeper clean.

For one, wool does not tolerate well the suction motion. Not to mention, it doesn't hold well with lots of moisture and heat - remember that the water, which is infused into the fabric, is hot. Too much moisture might cause mould and musty smells, which will get your clean rugs nasty.

4. Always let mud dry before you get your wool rugs clean

If mud finds its way onto your rug, the worst thing you can do is to try to get it off immediately. Instead, you should wait until it dries before you proceed to any cleaning.

All you need is the dull edge of a knife or a spatula. This will help you loosen the stain. Then, you can vacuum like you normally would.

5. Give it a good wool rug shake

Another way to dislodge dirt embedded in the fabric is to give the wool carpet a good shake outdoors. Take the piece to your yard or balcony, lay it on a porch railing or something and beat it with a broom handle, beater bar or rug beater. We would like to point out that this tip applies to small rugs.

6. Do not use hydrogen peroxide or bleach to clean your wool rug

It’s not difficult to imagine why hydrogen peroxide isn’t the best option for wool. Even though it has bleaching properties that can eliminate stains, it’s precisely its bleaching nature that is the problem.

Not only does it cause discolouration but it can eat away at the wool fibers. The same goes for ammonia, chlorine bleach, and oxygen bleach. If you need a deep clean, consider other options.

7. Do not pair baking soda with white vinegar

Baking soda may be great at removing bad odours in other parts of the house but when using it on wool rugs, it offers no benefits whatsoever. Vinegar, on the other hand, can help you deep clean the fabric but just don't mix them together.

8. Don't rub

If you are dealing with a fresh stain, don’t rub it in because this will help it set faster. What you can do is blot any liquid with clean paper towels to prevent it from spreading further. If there are any solids, lift them with a spatula.

9. Only use cold water to wash your wool rug

Hot water and wool rugs don’t go together because this can bleed the fabric. As mentioned above, wool rugs are usually made from natural dies and they can easily run when exposed to hot liquids. You may not notice it at first but it will become obvious after a while. Over time, the patterns will begin to blend.

If you're wondering about the average pricing, check out our cost guide on how much to clean a rug in UK.

How to Remove Pet Urine from Wool Rugs

For pet stains like urine, you have to act as quickly as possible. The more you wait, the faster it will soak into the rug's fibers. Remember that wool rugs tend to hold their weight in water several times. You want to avoid cat or dog urine from sinking in and drying because it will be difficult to get rid of it after that.

So, what you want to do is blot up the liquid as soon as it occurs. Next, you should grab a clean sponge and submerge it in soapy water. Now run it through the treatment area starting from the edges and working your way inward. When you are finished, dab gently with a clean cloth. Leave it outside to air dry.

Another way to go is to resort to vinegar. Mix one part of distilled white vinegar to six parts of cool water and then transfer it into a spray bottle. Spray the affected area and let it sit for a couple of minutes. Finish off by blotting the liquid with a damp cloth followed by a dry cloth to absorb as much moisture as possible.

If you notice any lingering smells, sprinkle a little bit of baking soda. As we said earlier, baking soda should not be combined with vinegar. Instead, you should use it as a standalone cleaning solution only. Leave it on overnight. Vacuum it up first thing in the morning.

If nothing works, professional cleaning will come to your rescue.

Additional Tips on Cleaning Wool Carpets and Rugs

If you have carpet beetles in your rugs, you can read our guide on how to get rid of carpet beetles or give us a call and our cleaning solutions will take care of that for you!

FAQs on Cleaning a Wool Rug

How do you clean a wool rug UK?

The safest way of cleaning a wool rug is to use plain cold water and a wool-safe detergent or dry carpet shampoo. Make sure the fabric dries completely before you bring it back indoors.

Is it OK to steam clean your wool rug?

It’s not recommended to steam clean wool rugs. The high temperatures can bleed the fabric and cause irreversible damage.

Can you power wash a wool rug?

Yes, you can. Just make sure to read the instructions on the label first because some pieces are too delicate for a power wash and require a special rug cleaning solution.

How do you clean a white wool rug?

White wool rugs look amazing but they are a pain to clean. We do recommend you contact a professional cleaner for this one. But since you came here for tips on how to do the cleaning yourself, here are some things you can do.

If you are dealing with liquid spills, quickly blot up the liquid with a clean white towel or paper towels. Remove anything solid. You may use cold water and mild dish soap on stains but make sure to cover only the affected area. Do not use this solution on the entire wool rug. Keeping in mind that soap residue can trap dirt, don’t forget to rinse well and let dry completely.

How do you clean a vintage wool rug?

If you have a vintage wool rug, you should know that the majority of cleaning tools can ruin it, so it’s best to go with professional cleaners for this one. Do not steam clean a wool rug of this kind. Check out the manufacturer’s advice on cleaning and maintenance to save yourself some headaches down the road.

How do you remove stains from a wool rug?

Stubborn stains require a special wool detergent, rug shampoo, or a stain remover. Mix the solution with some water or use it directly onto the rug as directed by the label. Run a damp cloth over the area to spread the mixture. Don't rub because this will push the stain deeper into the fabric, making it worse. Mild dish soap might help with red wine stains and coffee stains.

How Much to Clean a Rug - Professional Rug Cleaning Cost Guide in 2024

When scheduling a professional rug cleaning in London, it’s normal to wonder how much it can cost to get your floor coverings back to looking as good as new. It’s worth knowing what factors play into the price formation. Down below, we provide a rug cleaning cost guide to help you better understand the prices associated with professional rug cleaning and make an informed decision.

If you're looking for affordable rug cleaning in the London area, feel free to check out our rug cleaning prices page.

Rug Cleaning Cost Based on Rug Type in the UK

Now, let’s dissect the average cost of rug cleaning services per square metre*. It seems that Oriental and Persian rugs are among the most expensive.

Wool Rugs - £15-£30 per sq m

This material is famous for its resilience and durability. It’s made of sheared sheep fur. Wool fibres can bounce back when they are stepped on, which preserves their appearance. As far as cleaning is concerned, wool rugs are a more cost-effective option. The average professional rug cleaning cost starts at an estimated £15.

We've written a helpful guide on how to clean wool a rug at home if you're into DIY cleaning.

Silk Rugs - £20-£40 per sq m

Being overly delicate, silk is one of those materials that don't thrive in heat. In other words, silk rugs have to be handled with care so they don’t shrink or deteriorate in quality. Silk rug cleaning starts at an estimated £20.

Persian Rugs - £30-£60 per sq m

Persian rugs are one of the most expensive pieces out there, especially if they are woven with traditional techniques like the ones they use in Iran. Since the fabric is so special, it also requires special attention. Thus, rug cleaning prices are high. A great aspect of this is that these items can actually last 200 years.

Oriental Rugs - £30 per sq m

Authentic Oriental rugs are made of silk or wool by experienced weavers. They should be hand-washed to prevent bleeding. Usually, a multi-step process is required. The material is water-absorbent which makes steam cleaning unsuitable for it.

If you're like to clean it yourself, you can follow our guide on how to clean an oriental rug.

Sheepskin Rugs - £40 sq m

There are both natural and synthetic options here. The latter is manufactured from plastic or acrylic paired with wool fibres. Synthetic rugs are less expensive. They can be washed with a steam cleaner. Some of these pieces may also be machine-washed.

Natural fibres, on the other hand, bulk up the price per square metre since they are made of authentic wool.

We've written an extensive guide on how to clean a sheepskin rug if you're interested in giving it a try yourself.

*Your professional rug cleaning cost will be individual and may differ based on your location and rug cleaning needs

What are the Different Professional Rug Cleaning Methods?

Rug cleaners are taught several cleaning techniques based on the type of fabric. Here are the most common ones they apply:

Keep in mind that delicate rugs require special attention and may be more costly to clean. Always ask about the rug cleaning prices upfront to ensure your budget can allow it. That's what a free quote is about.

What Goes Into the Average Rug Cleaning Cost?

When you take your floor coverings to a professional rug cleaner, they will take into consideration several factors before offering a price. Here are some of the things that go into the cost of a professional rug cleaning service.

Size of the rug

One of the main factors is size. As you may have noticed, the rug cleaning cost is formed per square metre. This means that the larger the piece, the heftier the price. After all, a large rug requires more labour and cleaning products than a small rug.

Condition of the rug

If a rug is in poor condition, it will be more challenging to clean it; not to mention, great results won't be guaranteed. You’ll need deep cleaning which requires extra products and effort to perform. Therefore, the more stubborn stains and dirt there are, the bigger the number on the price list.

Rug types

Some fabrics are easy to clean and maintain, while others aren’t. The more delicate materials don’t respond well to aggressive treatments, hence they need individual attention from a rug cleaning specialist. This adds to a time-consuming process.

Special rug cleaning treatments land stain removal

Sometimes when you are having your rug cleaned, additional treatments are necessary to do a satisfactory job. For example, heavily soiled rugs need a pre-treatment that aims to loosen dirt and prepare stains for further treatment. You can also order anti-insect or stain protection treatments.

What Tools Are Used for Cleaning Rugs and Carpets?

Every type of cleaning requires several basic tools to get going. Here is what professional cleaners may use to clean your rug:

How Can I Lower the Rug Cleaning Cost?

Here is what you can do to lower your professional rug cleaning cost.

Pair cleaning services (rug cleaning, upholstery cleaning, steam cleaning, etc.)

This is commonly requested by customers. Oftentimes when someone needs a hand with cleaning, it involves different parts of the house. So what they do is bundle up several services like upholstery cleaning, mattress cleaning, curtain cleaning, hard floor cleaning, stain protection, end of tenancy cleaning, etc. This way they can get a discount. 

Select a rug with a darker colour

Ideally, saving on cleaning starts at the time of purchase. When selecting a rug, don’t go for white. While white looks great and matches everything, it also shows dirt more quickly than other colours. Tears, stains, and soil are easy to spot and difficult to get rid of. This results in higher cleaning costs.

Find a piece that is easier to clean

All rugs are not made equal. Some of them, like Persian and Oriental rugs in particular, are harder to clean than others. So if you don’t want to spend a lot on professional cleaning, you should invest in easier-to-clean materials.

Choose a small rug over a larger one

A smaller cover area costs less to clean than a large rug.

What to Expect During a Rug Cleaning Service?

While the service is being carried out, the professional cleaner will go above and beyond to remove grime, soil, and stains from your rug. They will work diligently so that no speck of dirt gets missed.

Depending on the condition of the fabric and the level of maintenance it has received so far, some residue may be present once the cleaning is done but it will be significantly reduced.

The professional rug cleaner will use their own cleaning machines and supplies to ensure excellent results and customer satisfaction. They will choose the products based on the material of the rug.

As the service is completed, the experts will inspect their work and may go over some spots once more to ensure the grime is gone. The last step is vacuuming. It aids in removing dirt or residue that wasn’t eliminated during the cleaning process.

Professional Rug Cleaning Cost FAQs

How much does it cost to clean a rug UK?

The cost can vary depending on the size of the item and other factors. In general, having your carpets and rugs professionally cleaned runs anywhere between £15 and £60 per square metre. If interested, check out our price list for more details.

Is steam cleaning an option?

It depends on the fabric. Most rugs don't tolerate steam cleaning. It’s situation and material-dependent.

Is it worth it to clean a rug?

Yes! Cleaning and maintaining a rug prolongs its lifespan and removes allergens that can get stuck between the fibres and make you sick.

How do you clean a rug by yourself?

You’ll need to prepare a few tools and also acquaint yourself with the care label attached on the item. It comes with instructions on how to clean and maintain your rug. We actually have an article on this topic, so we suggest you check it out.

How profitable is rug cleaning?

With proper planning, rug cleaning businesses can be pretty profitable.

How often should a rug be professionally cleaned?

It’s advised that you have your floor coverings professionally cleaned once or twice a year, paying special attention to high-traffic areas.

Can I pressure wash a rug?

It depends on the type of rug fabric. Pressure washing is okay for some rugs. You need to consult the label for proper care tips as it contains all the details. Alternatively, you can consult professional rug cleaners.

How to Clean Jute Rug at Home

Jute rugs look good and can complement every home décor. But how do you clean them without ruining them? While it’s always best to hand your piece to a professional cleaner, this option isn’t appealing to some homeowners.

But worry not. We are here to help and we will show you how to take care of your jute rugs the DIY way. Bear with us as we go through the most important points.

Key Takeaways from Cleaning a Jute Rug

What is Jute?

woman doing yoga on a clean jute rug

Jute is an environment-friendly fibre that happens to be quite durable. It is made of flowering plants, more precisely their stalks. Unlike cotton, which is produced from the soft part of the plant’s seeds, jute is rougher and coarser. Its strength is most visible on potato sacs and other bags.

This renders jute rugs sturdy, making them suitable for both regular foot traffic and high-traffic areas. This means they can be used anywhere in the house. That being said, you should clean your rug regularly since this can keep it nice and sturdy for long periods.

Now, cleaning natural fiber rugs is the hardest part. They just don’t tolerate many cleaning products. Let’s see what options you have left.

What Happens if Jute Fibers Get Wet?

So, a lot of people ask, “Can you wash a jute rug with water?” and the answer is no. Truth be told, natural fibers and water don’t go together.

Moisture will get trapped inside and hang on for a very long time. It’s because jute doesn’t dry well and in the meantime, it can develop bad smells that you don’t want in your room.

Water can damage the jute rug fibres in ways you wouldn’t imagine. They can swell or shrink. In addition, when soaked in, the material releases oils which will cause the fabric to turn brown. In other words, discolouration will occur.

Can a Jute Rug be Machine-Washed?

Given the above information, the answer again would be no. You are strongly discouraged from machine washing your jute rug. Neither water nor shampoo should be employed because they have damaging effects on the fabric.

Not to mention, you should not attempt to steam clean your piece. Hot water extraction is not recommended either. Any amount of water will simply deteriorate the quality of your rug. Your best bet would be to keep moisture away at all times.

How To Clean A Jute Rug 

robot vacuum cleaner cleaning a jute rug

The good news is jute fibers don't attract as much dirt as synthetic fibers. So your rug will not need lots of attention other than running a vacuum over it every now and then. Yet, when it comes to cleaning a jute rug, there are some things you should know.

What You'll Need to Clean a Jute Rug

As mentioned above, water is the least suitable option to clean a natural fiber jute rug. Instead, you should consider dry cleaning. Sprinkle some dry cleaning powder or baking soda over the affected area.

Grab a brush and spread the powder evenly across the whole rug. Add more powder. It will absorb dirt from the surface.

Leave the mixture overnight (or for a few hours). On the next day, simply shake off the residue or vacuum the rug.

How Do You Remove a Stain from a Jute Rug?

Cleaning a jute rug: what to do for normal stains

Since you should not use water or wet shampoo on jute rugs, you have to be extremely careful when treating stains. This is a challenging task.

The best way to go is to blot the stain as soon as possible so it doesn’t get the chance to soak deep into the fibres. Use paper towels or a clean towel for that purpose.

However, if there is lots of liquid, you need to take an additional step to preserve the fabric. For example, you can blow dry the area so it speeds up the process without damaging your rug. Or you can sprinkle cornstarch on the treatment area as it will absorb the moisture before you leave it to dry naturally.

Now, if you are dealing with serious stains, we recommend having the issue evaluated by professional cleaners who can employ high-quality equipment to get rid of it.

If you want to do it yourself, go for a mild cleaning solution. Do test the cleaner on a small area. This rule applies to spot cleaning as well. You want to see whether there will be any chemical reaction that might cause irreversible damage to the piece.

If your jute rug happens to be placed in high-traffic areas, you may have to use white vinegar. For example, you can mix together 1 cup of clean water and 1/4 cup of vinegar.

Get a dry towel or a clean cloth and dip it into the solution. Do not pour the mixture onto the rug. Instead, take the wet cloth to the stain and blot it with it.

How to clean a jute rug: pet accidents

Unfortunately, pet stains are often unavoidable. Even if we do our best to prevent them, accidents do happen. Needless to say, it's important to act as quickly as you notice the stain. Blot it up with clean paper towels working from the outside so as not to spread the stain further. Do not rub.

Next, prepare a solution of a mild detergent, vinegar, and water. Dip a clean cloth in it and dab the spot with it. Once the stain is removed, don’t forget to let the fabric dry completely before treading on it. If there are any nasty smells, apply baking soda to the spot, letting it sit overnight. In the morning, shake it off.

Cleaning a jute rug: liquid spills on natural fibers

When spills happen, it makes sense to take action as fast as you can. However, for some wet spills, it might actually be beneficial to wait for the liquid to dry. It sounds counterintuitive to do so, especially with substances like red wine, coffee, and tomato sauce.

But it’s not that weird when it comes to mud, for example. The truth of the matter is that mud is easier to clean when it turns into dust. After that, you can hoover the surface to suction most of the dust. Next, you should blot the rest of the stain with a microfibre cloth that was immersed in a solution of white vinegar and water (and sometimes club soda).

When you remove every spot, don’t forget to dry the fabric. Stick with a blow dryer. If you notice the stain isn’t fully gone, you can opt for a mild soap but don’t go overboard with it.

How to clean jute rugs: dry solid spills

If the spill has solidified, make sure to scrape it with a spatula or a dull knife. You may have to loosen the debris with a slightly stiff brush. When you are done, take your rug to the balcony or hang it outdoors in direct sunlight to shake any leftovers off.

If you have another type of rug, feel free to check out our guide on how to clean your rugs by hand.

FAQs on How to Clean a Jute Rug

Can you wash a jute rug in the washing machine?

No, you shouldn't. Drenching the natural fibres of jute rugs will damage and discolour them.

What products and machines should you not use to clean jute rugs?

The majority of rug and carpet cleaner formulas are too aggressive on jute, so you want to avoid them like the plague. It’s not recommended to use shampoo. Stain removers are out of the question too. If you need to clean stains, check out the above tips. In addition, do not run a steam cleaner or hot water extractor over your jute rugs.

What is the best way to clean jute rugs?

Because dirt doesn’t stick well to jute, regular vacuuming seems to get rid of most of the contaminants like pet hair, food debris, and other gunk. Just remember to add the brush attachment or a beater bar for better results.

Do not overdo it. Excessive vacuuming can cause the fabric to start shedding. So, don’t vacuum as often as you would other rug types. Another way to go is to hang the rug outside and beat it. When the fibres are agitated, it will help shake off any grime.

What’s included in regular cleaning and maintenance?

Feel free to apply a fabric protector to the rug. What it does is repel water. Therefore, this will keep moisture from setting in the fibres. If you notice any curled edges, place something heavy on top to help them get flat again.

Also, you may have to light spray (note the word light) the fabric with a bit of water every now and then. While it’s true that jute doesn’t tolerate water, it’s worth noting that a few drops of water can prevent it from bubbling up and loosening.

What if I have to deep clean jute rugs?

It is safer to take your rugs to a carpet cleaning company rather than to clean them yourself. At home, you still need to provide proper care, though. Spot cleaning with an adequate spot remover is great for small, insignificant stains on a jute rug.

Wondering how much it costs to hire a professional? Check out our guide on how much it costs to clean rug professionally.

How to Clean a Rug by Hand

Used primarily for decoration, rugs can add beauty to your place and set the tone of any room. They can also keep your feet warm during the cold days and absorb sound helping with the soundproofing of your home. 

However, they are also a source of dirt and dust mites which contribute to allergies. Because most of them are too big to fit in the washing machine, you have to wash them by hand and this is a major nuisance.

Washing your rug can be quite challenging if you are looking for a low-cost solution and you don't want to hire a carpet cleaning agency. But worry not. If you need guidance and cleaning tips, we can deliver. Read on to find out how you can clean a rug at home without damaging it.

Key Takeaways on How to Clean a Rug by Hand

What Tools and Supplies Do I Need to Clean an Area Rug at Home?

person holding cleaning materials in a bucket
  1. Rubber gloves
  2. Water
  3. Bucket
  4. Rug shampoo or mild dish soap
  5. Wet-dry vacuum / steam cleaner
  6. Garden hose
  7. Clean sponge or soft-bristled brush
  8. Hydrogen peroxide
  9. Baking soda
  10. White vinegar or any vinegar variety
  11. Clean towels and cloths

How Do You Clean Area Rugs Made from Fibers like Jute?

Jute rugs can sometimes be difficult to clean. For starters, you should vacuum your jute rug regularly to remove loose debris and prevent grime from setting in.

Second, you can steam clean it. Steam cleaning is a great method of cleaning and disinfecting upholstery and carpets thanks to the power of the heat. Although it is not suitable for all types of rugs and carpets, it is good for most of them.

We do advise that you check the label of your item to ensure it can be steam cleaned. Too much moisture might damage the fabric. We also recommend you use the lowest setting of your steam cleaning machine. And don’t let the moisture sit on the rug for too long.

Small pieces can be tossed in the washing machine. Be careful, though. Resort to gentle cycles and cold water. Needless to say, before you do a full cycle, you should check the washing instructions on the label to see if it's machine-washable.

For spots and stains, use a mixture of one part water and one part vinegar. Apply to the stain and make sure it doesn’t spread into other areas. Dab the rug until you get the stain out.

If you are faced with a wine stain, it’s wiser to use hydrogen peroxide on it. Dip a cloth into the chemical and blot the stain with it.

How Do You Deep Clean an Interior Rug?

The first step is to vacuum the whole rug to lift any loose grime, food particles, pet dander, and hair. Apply a cleaning solution all over the fabric. You can get a store-bought cleaner specifically formulated for your rug type or make your own mixture by combining warm water with mild dish soap. If you have a yard or a balcony, take the rug outside.

Take a soft sponge and rub it into the fibres to spread the solution evenly. You should see suds forming. Once you are done, let the rug sit a bit so that the solution can work its magic. As you go back to it in a few minutes, rinse the rug with water using a garden hose.

The last step is to allow the rug to dry. Lay it flat on the ground. You can lay some thick towels on top of it to remove excess moisture. When you make sure the rug has dried at the top side, don’t forget to rotate your rug over to allow the back of the rug to dry as well.

When the rug is completely dry, bring it inside and vacuum it all over again to fix the fibres that may have become tangled during the washing.

How Often Should I Clean Area Rugs?

For the most part, area rugs should be washed once every 12-18 months to remove deeply ingrained soils. It is not recommended that you do this very often, as it may damage the fabric and reduce the lifespan of your item. The frequency of cleaning will depend on the foot traffic and your lifestyle. If you have kids or pets, you may need to wash your rugs twice a year. If you don't want to damage your rug or carpet, you can use our professional rug cleaning service in London.

Cleaning Different Kinds of Rug Stains

Sometimes, as careful as you try to be accidents can happen. You should know that different stains require different approaches. The rule of thumb is that ‘like dissolves like.’ If you don't know which products to use for the stain at hand, consult our blog or take a look down below for more details.

How to remove pet stains from a rug

You can use an enzyme cleaner for pet stains. Or you can make a solution of 2 cups water, ½ cup vinegar, 1 tablespoon salt and 1 tablespoon dish detergent. Spread the mixture evenly over the stain with a sponge. Begin blotting and repeat until you get rid of the spot.

How to remove red wine stains from a rug

Combine 1 part dishwashing liquid with 2 parts hydrogen peroxide. Before you get started, you want to test the solution on an inconspicuous area of the fabric. If no discolouration occurs, you can proceed to clean the wine stain. Apply the mixture to the targeted area and start blotting using a clean white cloth. Repeat until you remove the stain.

How to remove coffee stains from a rug

To clean coffee stains from rugs, use 1 tablespoon of white vinegar, 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap, and two cups of warm water. Stir well. Next, take a clean cloth and dip it in the concoction. Now, blot the rug starting from the edges and moving inward. Repeat as many times as necessary.

The Best Way to Clean Shag Rugs

Shag rugs are best cleaned with a dry carpet shampoo. These come with special compounds that can loosen and lift stains. All you have to do is apply the powder to the fabric and spread it evenly with the help of a soft brush. Let it sit overnight. On the next day, vacuum the remaining product.

If the shag rug is heavily soiled, you want to try steam cleaning. Not only will it remove all the grime stuck inside the fibres but it can disinfect and refresh the fabric. We have an entire guide on how to clean a shag rug, so be sure to check it out for more details. 

For more information about average cost, check out our guide on how much to clean a rug.


Can a doormat go in the washing machine?

Yes, as long as it is not too big. Make sure to shake off any loose dirt before you throw it into the machine. Apply some detergent to the item and let it sit for a while before you wash it at 30 degrees.

Can you wash a rug in the bathtub?

Yes, of course. This is a great way to go if your rug should only be washed by hand, as directed by the manufacturer. Be sure to check the label before you take your rug to the bathroom.

What is the best homemade carpet cleaner?

It depends on what you are looking for. If you need a dry cleaning product, you can make one by mixing ½ of cornstarch, 2 cups of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of borax, and ½ of cornmeal. You may also add a teaspoon of cinnamon. Stir it well to make a good concoction.

Feel free to use a blender to get the job done, then transfer the contents to an airtight container. To use this mixture, simply apply it to the desired area and let it sit overnight so it can do its thing. Before you get started, test a small area first to ensure the mixture doesn't discolour the rug.

Can you shampoo an area rug on a hardwood floor?

Yes, you can. Certain fabrics can tolerate shampooing and moisture. You might also steam clean the area rug - check out our post on how to clean an area rug at home for more details.

How to clean wool and cotton rugs

If you have a cotton or wool rug, use a mild detergent and a soft sponge to clean it. To remove residue, add some white vinegar to the water. Before you leave it to air dry, lay out thick towels on top of the item to remove as much water as you can.

Can you put rugs in the washer?

You can wash both cotton and synthetic rugs in the washing machine as long as you use cold water. You want to go with cold water. Also, it’s not recommended to wash them too often.

Can you put rugs in the dryer?

It should be okay to tumble dry your rugs but you should choose the lowest and coldest setting possible so as not to ruin the fabric.

And this wraps up our area rug cleaning guide. Now you know how to clean a rug or carpet by hand. We hope you find these tips helpful. If you need your rugs professionally cleaned, don't forget that you can count on us - we offer the best prices for rug and carpet cleaning in London.

How to Clean a Sheepskin Rug

Sheepskin rugs can be a great addition to any home. They are made from natural and hypoallergenic materials and can bring warmness, comfort and a touch of elegance to your living space.

However, sheepskin rugs, like any other rug, require proper care and maintenance to stay in good condition and look nice. Besides regular vacuuming, you should also make sure to brush out the fibres to keep them lifted and free from dirt. Hiring a professional rug cleaning service in London, at least once a year is also important to ensure your sheepskin rug looks its best and last longer.

In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best ways to clean a sheepskin rug, including how to vacuum it, remove stains, and keep your rug looking and feeling soft and plush for years to come.

How should you take care of your sheepskin rug?

Sheepskin rugs can make your home feel cosy and luxurious. However, they may require a little extra attention when it comes to cleaning. This is due to the delicate nature of the fibres. Sheepskin is a natural material that is very soft and plush, which can make it more difficult to remove dirt and stains.

Additionally, their fibres are more suspectable to damage if not cleaned properly. Using harsh cleaning products or exposing the rug to high heat or moisture can cause the fibres to become brittle or discoloured. 

It is important that you use proper cleaning techniques and products in order to keep your sheepskin rug clean and looking nice. Here are some basic care ideas and tips.

Remember to always read the cleaning instruction that came with your new sheepskin rug as well as test any cleaning agents on a small, invisible area first to avoid any damage.

How do you vacuum a sheepskin rug?

person vacuuming a sheepskin rug

One of the primary cares that sheepskin rugs need is vacuuming. Regular and proper vacuuming will help you keep your rug free from dirt and dust. It might be best to use a vacuum cleaner with a handheld attachment or a canister vacuum with a floor brush attachment. Also, be sure to adjust the machine's suction power to a low setting to prevent the wool fibres from damage. 

Start at one end of the sheepskin rug and gently move the vacuum cleaner in a straight line until you reach the opposite end. Repeat the process in overlapping sections until you have vacuumed the entire rug. Be sure to brush the rug in the direction of the wool fibres to remove all dirt and debris without pulling or matting the fibres. 

If you want to keep the rug looking clean and fluffy you should make sure to vacuum it at least once a week. However, in case you have pets or children or your rug is in a heavy-traffic area, then you will probably need to vacuum it more frequently. In addition, you may want to shake out your sheepskin rug occasionally, if its size allows. It is an excellent method for removing loose hair, dirt, and derbies.

How do you brush a sheepskin rug?

Brushing is another crucial element of sheepskin rug care. It will help keep the rug soft and fluffy as well as improve its overall appearance. Make sure to choose a soft bristle brush which will not damage the fibres of the rug. There are some brushes which are specifically designed for sheepskin rugs. You can find them in many retail and online stores.

Before starting to brush, you will first need to get your rug outdoors and give it a good shake to eliminate any dust and dirt that might be tucked into the fibres. If the rug is big and heavy you can just vacuum it. To brush your sheepskin rug, start from one of the ends and slowly move to the other until you pass through the entire surface.

It is best to work in small sections so that you do not miss anything. Be sure to brush in the direction of the wool, using light and gentle strokes. Once you have passed through the entire surface, you can use your hands to gently fluff up the wool fibers. This will help to restore the rug's fluffiness and softness.

You may need to brush your sheepskin rug once a week or once a month, depending on the amount of foot traffic in the area. If you have children then your rug might require more frequent brushing. Kids usually like playing on the floor which is why your sheepskin rug may become matted faster. 

How do remove stains from a sheepskin rug?

Sheepskin rugs can be tricky to clean when stains happen. It is essential that you act quickly and get stains out of the rug as quickly as possible. To clean stains from your rug, you will first need to ensure you have the right tools in hand. These include a clean cloth or paper towel, a wool cleaning solution, and a bucket of cold water.

Make sure to pick a sheepskin detergent that does not contain any harsh enzymes that could cause damage. Also, avoid using products with lanolin—a natural fat found in wool—to help restore the natural softness of the fibers. Despite its promising properties, lanolin-based agents can attract dirt and dust over time and make the rug appear dingy. 

As we mentioned above, it is important to tackle the stain as soon as possible while it is still fresh. The first thing you should do is blot up any excess liquid by using a paper towel or a clean cloth. Do not use coloured cloth as the dye may transfer to the rug and cause further staining. Also, avoid rubbing the stain too much so that it doesn't go deep into the fibres.

Once you remove the excess liquid from the rug, prepare your cleaning solution by mixing cool water and a wool-safe cleaner. Then get a white clean cloth and dip it into the solution. Gently blot the spotted area with the damp cloth, working from the outside of the stain inward (do not rub or scrub too hard).

Rinse the cloth in the cleaning solution and repeat the blotting process until the stain is gone. Lastly, soak up as much moisture as possible by using a clean, dry cloth and then allow the rug to dry. You may get the rug outside and leave it to air dry. Avoid, hanging your sheepskin rug on places with direct sunlight to prevent any discolouration.

Can you wash a sheepskin rug in the washing machine?

It is usually not recommended to wash your sheepskin rug in a washing machine. This is because the high temperature and strong agitation of the machine washing can damage the delicate material of the rug and cause it to shrink or misshape. If you want to wash your sheepskin rug at home without damaging it, hand washing would be the better option.

You can hand wash your rug in the bathtub or use a large basin. Fill the container with lukewarm water and add a small amount of a gentle detergent or special wool shampoo. Then place the rug inside and begin gently agitating it with your hands. After you get the dirt and grime out, leave the rug to soak in the cleaning solution for about 15 to 30 minutes.

Then drain the soapy water and rinse your rug thoroughly with clean water. You can leave your rug to air dry outdoors, laying it down on a clean towel. Be sure that it is away from direct sunlight. Never tumble dry sheepskin rugs as this might be too harsh for the delicate material.

There is usually no need to wash your sheepskin rug too often. Doing so once every 6 to 12 months might be enough. However, if the rug is smelling or becomes heavily soiled, it may need to be washed more often.

Why hire a professional to deep clean a sheepskin rug?

If you want to give your sheepskin rug a deep clean, then it is best to hire a professional cleaning service. Sheepskin is a natural material that requires special care and attention to maintain its softness, texture, and appearance. Professional cleaners have the knowledge and experience to properly clean and care for sheepskin rugs, ensuring that they are cleaned thoroughly without damaging the delicate fibres.

The cleaning specialists can remove tough stains and dirt that spot cleaning and vacuuming may not be able to clean. The professional cleaners will also help to maintain the natural appearance of your sheepskin product, keeping its texture and softness. They will inspect your rug and choose the best cleaning method. 

Additionally, regular professional cleanings can extend the life of your sheepskin rug by removing dirt, dust, and debris that can wear down the fibres over time.

Looking for a reliable and professional carpet cleaning company in London to deep clean your sheepskin rug? Look no further than our expert team! We understand the unique needs of natural materials like sheepskin and have the knowledge and experience to provide the best possible care for your rug.

Read our guide on average cost of rug cleaning in UK for more informaiton.

Frequently asked questions

Is cleaning a faux sheepskin rug different than cleaning a real one?

Faux sheepskin rugs are typically made from synthetic materials, while real sheepskin rugs are made from the skin of sheep., which is a natural material. Therefore, the cleaning methods and products used for each type of rug may vary. For faux sheepskin rugs, it is important to follow the manufacturer's cleaning instructions, as they can vary based on the materials used. In general, a faux sheepskin rug can be cleaned by shaking it out, vacuuming it, or wiping it down with a damp cloth. You should avoid using harsh chemicals or heat, as these can damage the rug.

How do I make my sheepskin rug white again?

If your sheepskin rug has become discoloured or yellowed over time, it might be best to hire a professional cleaning service. The specialists can use proper cleaning methods and products to help restore the brightness of your rug. In case you decide to wash your sheepskin rug yourself, be sure to do it by hand. It is also important to use a proper cleaning detergent that is wool-safe. Do not try whitening your rug with bleach because it can be really harmful to the fibres. Please note that some discolouration or yellowing may be permanent and cannot be completely removed. 

Can a sheepskin rug be dry-cleaned?

Yes, they might be dry-cleaned. Make sure to choose a dry cleaner that has experience with handling sheepskin rugs. Also, do not forget to inform them of any specific instructions or care guidelines for your particular rug.

How do Professionals Clean Oriental Rugs?

If you like to have not just a rug, but a piece of art, then getting an oriental rug is a must. These are some of the best rugs out there, which can be expensive but totally worth the money as they add a lot of value and appeal to any room. Something you must consider about a beautiful Persian rug is that it will require proper maintenance and the occasional deep clean.

Whether there are stains on your oriental rug or you just want to bring in a professional rug cleaner for their knowledge and gear, getting the item professionally cleaned is a must. While you should learn how to properly vacuum the fringe and employ the right cleaning solutions to treat stains and spills, you should still contact a professional rug cleaning company every now and then.

How to clean Persian rug at home?

vacuuming oriental rug at home

Apart from vacuuming, here is what else you can do to clean an oriental rug:

The importance of vacuuming an oriental rug at home

When it comes to keeping a Persian rug in good condition for a long time, you must absolutely pay attention to vacuuming as the major cleaning and maintenance task. The surface of the rug accumulates dust and various other debris, especially in a high-traffic area. If you have children running around or pets laying on the rug, it is even more important to keep the fibres free of pet hair and allergens as they accumulate on the rug over time. The easiest way to do this is to vacuum the rug at least once a week. Just vacuum the rug slowly to remove excess abrasives. Here are a few tips in that regard:

How to clean oriental rug stains?

persian rug

If you ever need to clean a stain on your rug and you are not certain how it is best to have the rug cleaned by a professional. It is best to tend to spills as soon as the spill occurs and blot the stain using a soft cloth or towel, instead of rubbing back and forth. With all of these ground rules laid out, let's see how you can address a stain:

5 reasons why professional rug cleaning is a must

When it comes to finding the best way to clean your oriental rug, getting professionals on the case is great for the following reasons:

Looking for more tips on how to clean different types of rugs? We have guides on how to clean area rug, cleaning Moroccan rugs and shag rugs.

How to Clean a Moroccan Rug

Buying a Moroccan rug is good for your interior, but you also need to consider how you will clean it. Cleaning Moroccan rugs is very important because you will likely put them in an area that sees quite a lot of foot traffic, like your kitchen or living room.

These are high-pile Berber rugs with wool and bright colours. Because of all this, they require a bit more consideration than running a vacuum over them or applying a harsh chemical cleaner. But you should not fret about how to clean Moroccan rugs. An authentic Moroccan rug is built to last for a long time and grace any interior with its beautiful presence. There are some things you should consider, to ensure that is the case.

From simple vacuuming, to dry cleaning and getting the rug professionally cleaned, here is a list of important things to know about cleaning Moroccan rugs. But before we get to that, if you want professionals to handle your Moroccan rug cleaning in London so you don't have to worry about anything, we are here to help. Feel free to call and request your free quote.

How to remove dust and dirt particles from Moroccan rugs?

Feel free to vacuum your wool rugs as often as you like. It is the safest and easiest way to remove excess dirt and keep Moroccan rugs clean. It is best to use a vacuum cleaner without a beater bar; if it has one, you should set it to the highest level. The goal is to create the least amount of friction with the wool rug. You should vacuum from one side to the other. Now and then experts recommend you turn the Moroccan rug over and vacuum the underside.

An alternative way to clean Moroccan rugs is to take yours outside, hang the rug vertically and give it a good beating with a broom handle. This should rid the entire rug of dust and dirt. To keep yourself safe from flying dust and other debris, wear protection.

Can you wash wool rugs on your own?

grey shaggy wool rug

In-home deep cleaning is not what professional cleaners recommend, especially when it concerns an expensive boucherouite rug or another good quality rug. If you wish to try it, get a non-corrosive shampoo.

Take the rug outside, lay it flat and rinse it thoroughly after applying the shampoo. The goal is to remove all of the shampoo residue. If there is any sticky residue left, the rug will accumulate soil again. Make sure the rug is fully dry before you use it again. You can use your nose, as wet wool develops a specific smell.

How do you spot-treat Moroccan rugs?

If it is a fresh stain on the wool rug, begin by blotting it right away with a cloth or a paper towel. You can then add just a little water and blot it dry. If the stain persists, mix mild detergent and cold water to spot and treat the stain.

For new rugs, you should always test a spot-cleaning mix like water and dish soap on a small and concealed area of the rug first. The goal is to know if the treatment causes any damage to the natural materials of the rug. If it is fine, you can proceed to treat small stains with the solution and a paper towel. For a tougher stain, you may need to call the professionals.

What to do when Moroccan rugs shed?

Moroccan rugs shed over time, especially when they are new. Older vintage rugs do not shed as much, but they tend to develop dust and microscopic fibres in time. Wool rugs shed, but if you find it problematic, you can use a soft bristle brush to remove the excess strands. That is a fine way to keep your wool rug looking spiffy at all times.

Do Moroccan rugs bleed and fade in colour with time?

A good quality flat weave rug or a Beni ourain rug is made using natural dyes that do not fade or bleed. If your Moroccan rug bleeds or fades in colour, it is likely because it is a lower-quality one. You need to be careful in your purchase and be mindful of rugs that only resemble the vintage look.

How to care for a Moroccan rug over time?

girl sitting on moroccan rug

Berber rugs are made to last, which is what they will do if you care properly for them and take cleaning seriously. You have to be proactive in your care, meaning that keeping dust and dirt away from your vintage rugs will wear them out less.

Stay on top of vacuuming not just the upper side, but also the back side of the Moroccan rug. Using a rug pad is another simple action that can extend the life of your rug.

Even if there are no stains on the rug, you should get a professional rug cleaner to renew your beni ourain rugs. They have the knowledge on how to approach a colourful rug so that they don't bleed or fade the colours.

How do you remove pet stains from rugs?

Follow these instructions to deal with pet stains:

If this doesn't work, you can add baking soda to the mix. Start by applying paper towels to the stained area and removing as much of the liquid as possible. Sprinkle baking soda and wet the stain with vinegar and water.

Everything you should know about professional cleaning of Beni ourain rugs

If there is one thing these rugs are well known for, it is that they will last for a very long time with proper care. This means being preventative about dust and dirt collection, as well as exercising the right cleaning practices. But to solidify those efforts, you should have your beautiful rug professionally cleaned, even if there are no stains on it currently.

It is important to ask the cleaners if they have knowledge of cleaning a beni ourain rug. The cleaners you get for the job should know what is required to get your beni ourain rug looking like new.

Experts know what tools to use, such as a power washer without applying excess water. Additionally, in the case of a colourful rug, they will test a cleaning solution to ensure it doesn't ruin the colour and the wool fibres.

How to deep clean Moroccan rugs in 4 easy steps

If you want to try deep cleaning without resorting to a professional cleaner, regardless of how big the rug is, you can follow this process.

When the rug is fully dry, you will notice how different it looks. You can follow this procedure every so often when you notice the rug has lost its beautiful look.

How to manage dust and debris on the rug

Little girl with digital tablet on the clean moroccan rug

Vacuum rag rugs regularly to keep dust and dirt from the area. You can also be a little proactive with these steps:

Keeping dust off is a family effort and everyone needs to follow these rules for it to work. Don't forget about professional cleaning every several months for optimal results.

Frequently asked questions

What to avoid when cleaning Moroccan rugs?

Dry cleaning has the potential to deal some damage to your Moroccan rug. It relies on chemicals that can not only destroy the material and ruin its integrity but also creates a very specific smell that can linger for a long time.

Can I wash my Moroccan rug?

Yes, you can wash a Moroccan rug, but you need to do so with care. Washing is a good way to remove deep stains and dirt particles. You need to follow the right in-home cleaning methods to prevent possible damage. It is best to get professional rug cleaning just to be sure.

Why do Moroccan rugs smell?

Rugs of the Moroccan style often develop the problem of noxious odours. A possible source of these odours is the bleaching chemicals used in the production of the rugs. Other times it could be due to the dying process. The issue is non-existent in Moroccan rugs of high quality.

How do you clean a rug without ruining it?

Mild dishwashing detergent diluted with cold water works well for area rugs. Using dye-free dish soap is great for removing stains without any risk of damage to the carpet fibres.

Feel free to get in touch with our professional carpet cleaners in London for any carpet and rug cleaning you may require.

How To Clean a Shag Rug

Shag rugs have always been a popular choice. People fall in love with the fluffy and textural feel they add to a room, as well as the fact they come in various shapes and sizes and fit in any interior. There are flokati rugs, wool, leather, acrylic and various other loose fibre rugs that are luxurious and soft. You cannot go wrong if you have decided to get shaggy rugs for your home, but you need to keep in mind that they will require cleaning and maintenance.

It is very important to keep your shag rug clean and do so in the right way. A lot of people don't do the necessary to keep these deep file rugs clean and presentable. For those that lack experience, it is preferable to place their trust in the hands of professional cleaners.

Key takeaways

A professional cleaner knows how to clean a shaggy rug to a high standard. They will employ the safest rug cleaning method to address the whole rug, even treat a bad stain. If you are cleaning your rugs on your own, you should still resort to the help of professionals at least once every 12 months. This will keep your shaggy rug fluffy and fresh at all times.

How often should you clean a shaggy rug?

Whether you have a sheepskin rug or another type with a floppy pile that sees daily foot traffic, you should use a vacuum cleaner on it daily. It helps keep dust and debris in check, especially if there are pets in your home.

As for a more thorough deep clean, you should aim to have your rug professionally cleaned at least once a year. It helps keep the carpet fibres in top condition and ensures that the rug is always in top shape.

How to do routine shag rug cleaning?

There are a few important aspects of routine sheepskin rugs or any other type of shag rug.

How do you clean a dirty shaggy rug

Remove trapped dirt

If it is a small rug that you can pick up, just take it outside and shake it with some vigour. You can also drape the rug over a clothesline and beat it with a broom handle or another appropriate tool. You will release a good amount of dirt and debris from the rug this way.

Vacuum clean

person vacuuming a shag rug

Use your vacuum's upholstery attachment for the best results when cleaning a shag rug. It provides a gentle suction and keeps the rug's loops intact while removing loose dirt. You should set the cleaning head of an upright vacuum cleaner to the highest setting and remove the beater bar. If it is not possible to make such adjustments, use a brush attachment or the upholstery tool to vacuum the rug.

Always remember to vacuum slowly and go in a grid-like pattern for the best results. That should remove most of the dirt from the pile. If you feel the vacuum is pulling too hard at the pile, you should stop the cleaning process.

Inspect for stains and treat them

Flip over the rug and check for any stains. You need to follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to approach stains. For the most part, you can use dish soap mixed into a cup of warm water. Use a soft-bristled brush or a microfibre towel to gently rub the stained area. When you are done, dip a clean towel in water to rinse the spot and then blot dry with a clean cloth. You should then hang the rug or elevate the area you cleaned to allow good circulation to air dry it.

Keep the shaggy rug fluffy

If you think your shaggy rug is not as fluffy as you would like, use your hands or a carpet rake to revive its shag pile. You can also brush the rug, but make sure to use a horsehair upholstery brush that goes easy on the fibres.

How to deep clean a shag rug at home?

clean, light shaggy rug

Carpet cleaning professionals in London all agree that you should not deep clean shag rugs on your own due to a high risk of excess water that can damage the fibres and ruin the rug. You should probably skip the rented carpet cleaner and go with a professional service instead. But if you are keen on deep cleaning, you should do it by hand.

Use baking soda to deodorise and brighten the rug

If there is a stale smell coming from the rug, even if it appears clean, you can use baking soda to remedy the issue. Sprinkle generous amounts on the rug to trap the dust and deodorise it. Let it sit overnight and then vacuum/shake the powder.

Deep clean with dry shampoo granules

Sprinkle dry shampoo granules on the rug. Read your rug care tags to ensure the product is appropriate for your high pile type. Work the granules into the fibres with a dry mop or a soft-bristled brush. Check for stained areas and use a little bit more shampoo there. Most shampoos require at least an hour to work. After the required wait time, give the rug a good shake outside and remove the residue with a vacuum. Make sure you are thorough in your efforts to remove all granules or there is a risk they will damage the backing.

How to steam clean your shag rug

Steam cleaning a shaggy rug at least once a year to keep it soil-free. You can either hire a professional to do it for you or rent a steam cleaner to do it yourself, with the former option being your safest bet. Make sure you don't use as much moisture to prevent oversoaking the material. You should let it air dry afterwards, or bring some fans to speed up the process. Steam cleaning is very effective for removing allergens and dust mites from the rug.

How to remove stains from the rug

Whether you live with pets or children or simply have an accident and stain your rug, you need to know how to approach the task. If you are quick and apply the right spot-cleaning carpet cleaner, everyday spills shouldn't cause permanent damage to shag rugs.

How do you refresh and deodorise shag rugs?

It is easy for a shag rug to trap unpleasant smells from pets, smoking, accidental stains, etc. It is just as important to keep your shaggy rug looking fresh as it is to keep it smelling fresh. There are a few strategies you can employ to that end:

How to clean a shag rug at home?

Vacuum your shag rug often to prevent the build-up of dirt. The loose fibres can trap a lot of debris over time, so make sure you comb them and brush them as you use the vacuum head to remove ingrained particles.

Experts recommend steam cleaning the rug at least once a year, preferably with the aid of a professional company. Hot water steam cleaning can remove the deeply ingrained impurities within the pile and refresh the rug, making it like new.


Can you brush out a shag carpet?

You should brush your shag rug in a single direction, gently pulling through any knots. Foot traffic tends to cause rug piles to tangle. You can keep the area clean, but you also need to comb the rug, to preserve it.

Are shaggy rugs machine washable?

Yes, you can put your shaggy rug in the washing machine, as long as its underside is not made of rubber. If you stay on top of your rug cleaning tasks, you will hardly need to do that. A light clean with a vacuum is a major way to keep the area free of dirt and pet hair.

How to clean a shaggy wool rug?

Take the rug outside and lay it on the pathway. Prepare a diluted sudsy cleaning solution of cold water and wool laundry liquid. Apply suds to the rug with a clean sponge. Rinse the rug, squeeze it and roll it up with some towels to remove as much moisture as possible. Let it air dry in a shady space.

How do you refresh a shaggy rug?

The best way to refresh a shag rug is to take a damp towel straight out of the washing machine. Lay it on the flat area and run a warm iron over it. Repeat this til the flattened fibres pop back up. The moisture and heat have an invigorating effect on the fibres, giving a nice fluffy carpet once more.

Should you brush a shaggy rug?

Shaggy rugs tend to get dirty often. That is why they require frequent cleaning and brushing. You should do this regularly, to keep them from getting messy, stained and matted.

Can you dry clean a shaggy rug?

Dry shampooing is one of the best cleaning methods for a rug with a high pile. It is used because vacuuming alone doesn't do the job of keeping the rug clean. The proper dry shampoo can refresh the rug and make it look like new.

How do you clean a deep pile rug?

Steam cleaning a deep pile rug once every 6-12 months can remove the spoils from its fibres and also any stains.

Are shaggy rugs easy to clean?

The long fibres of a shag rug make cleaning it a bit more difficult. The long pile can hide more dirt and dust inside. However, by following proven cleaning methods and a good routine, you can address these issues. Don't forget about deep cleaning it every 12 months or so.