How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles are small oval-shaped insects, usually no larger than a ladybug. Despite their name, they attack almost all organic materials and natural fabrics, including clothes, blankets, animal furs, wool rugs and carpets.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to get rid of carpet beetles because once they are in your home, they lay eggs on any available surface that is suitable for them. The eggs themselves are invisible to the naked eye and they hatch carpet beetle larvae that are the culprit of damage to natural fibres in your carpets, upholstery, curtains and more.

To prevent carpet beetles from forming infested areas, you need to get rid of adult carpet beetles. Unlike their larvae, adult beetles are harmless, but you have to remove them to prevent future infestations.

How we can help with your carpet beetle infestation

One of the best ways to get rid of carpet beetles involves steam carpet cleaning, otherwise known as hot water extraction. If you are worried about residual insecticide and side effects from the treatment against a carpet beetle infestation, we bring a safe and effective method to solve the issue. Steam cleaning is a great way to remove unwanted bed bugs and carpet beetles from carpeting, rugs and upholstery. The temperature alone eliminates furniture carpet beetles, their eggs and larvae.

This cleaning method kills off any varied carpet beetle on the surface, removing deeply ingrained residue and refreshing the whole area at the same time. Carpet beetles lay eggs deep within the natural fibres of carpeting and rugs, which even a nozzle vacuum cleaner may not have access to. Hot water extraction fixes this by removing carpet beetle eggs with ease, along with food stains and embedded dirt. It is one of the best forms of pest control available.

How to identify carpet beetles and carpet beetle larvae?

Carpet beetle larvae are also referred to as woolly bear larvae. They are banded in appearance and have very short bristles reaching up to 5mm. They are very similar to small caterpillars. Once woolly bears mature, they develop oval-shaped bodies and antennae.

The carpet beetle comes in a few different kinds. The varied carpet beetle comes in a combination of colours: black, orange or white speckled appearance. They are 2 to 4 mm long. There is also the black carpet beetle, which only has one solid colour - black. They are probably the largest of all carpet beetles, reaching up to 1cm in length.

If you notice carpet beetles easily, it is probably the black carpet beetles as they are more shiny. There is also the furniture carpet beetle, which is a cousin to the varied carpet beetle. Their shell is easily distinguishable with black and white markings.

All of these carpet beetles will eat almost anything, but some of them have preferences. Furniture and varied adult carpet beetles feed on natural fibres like leather and wool. Black carpet beetles on the other hand feast on food items like cereal, pet food and oats. It is important to remember what the common household pests like to feed on because that way you will know where to look for them.

How do carpet beetles enter your home?

Being the small insects that they are, carpet beetles don't have much trouble finding their way into your home. Sometimes you can bring in carpet beetles via freshly cut flowers and other plants you bring inside. Of course, carpet beetles fly and can freely enter your home through open windows, doors and air vents. Some carpet beetles can also cling to pet hair and your clothing only to be brought inside undetected. If your home has any sort of opening, such as a chimney, electrical conduits or vents.

Once inside your home, carpet beetles infest furniture, carpets and rugs alike. Many of these insects dwell near dried foods (including pet food) and potpourri. If you are a hunter and have mounted trophies, carpet beetles may hide within their fur.

Signs there are carpet beetles in your home

Carpet beetles live outdoors. That is where they breed and feed on nectar, flower pollen and other plant components. However, they are easily attracted by light sources and foods indoors. When they find the overabundance of food in human habitats, they move in. Coupled with the lack of adverse weather conditions and lack of natural predators, carpet beetles can make themselves comfortable inside.

What are the signs of a carpet beetle infestation to look for? Here are some of the most obvious things:

If you notice some of these signs, you should do further research and observations around your home. If it's the case you are dealing with rampant carpet beetles, you should act quickly. If you still can not find carpet beetles, it is best to contact a licensed pest control expert.

How to get rid of carpet beetles?

Now that you know more about these insects, it is time to find out some effective ways to get rid of carpet beetles. Follow these steps if you want to find out how to get rid of carpet beetles in the most efficient manner:

Find the source of beetles

Before you eliminate carpet beetles, you have to find where they are or at least where they are most active. Most of the time adult carpet beetles tend to stick close to their food source. This means underneath heavy furniture pieces, especially in carpeted areas; inside food cabinets and drawers and at the edge of a carpet or rug. If you locate damage on upholstered furniture and carpets, it is likely the beetles are close by.

Vacuum the area

When you locate the pest infestation of tiny beetles, the easiest immediate form of control you can exercise is through vacuuming the area. A good enough vacuum cleaner can remove beetles from affected surfaces, as well as their eggs, larvae and any dead insects. Move on to vacuuming the sofa and any other upholstered furniture around the area. Use vacuum attachments for hard-to-reach areas. It is best to vacuum daily until the infestation is gone. After that, regular vacuuming will ensure you have less trouble with all sorts of bed bugs and carpet beetles.

Apply boric acid powder

Many insects die when they come into contact with boric acid and carpet beetles are no exception. Sprinkle the product all over the affected area and within a good radius of it. This will quickly kill carpet beetles, along with their eggs and larvae. If you have any pets around, you should remove them from the area. The product may cause some unwanted effects in them so it is best to keep them away until it is fully cleaned. You can find boric acid in the laundry aisle of the grocery store, as well as some pharmacies.

Wash it all

Washable covers and fabrics should be washed in hot water. This means clothing, bedding, cushion covers, towels and curtains. Check the label on each of these items and set the highest recommended temperature. As for carpets and rugs, it is best practice to shampoo them or steam clean them after you have removed the beetles. That way you will be sure the infestation is gone.

Toss out infested food

If you find carpet beetles in your food supplies, toss out the food that shows any signs of infestation. Do the same for foods you suspect might be attracting the insects.

Opt for natural remedies

If you are not sold on the idea of calling pest control and you wish to deal with the problem with some natural solutions, you can start with diatomaceous earth. Sprinkle the infested area and wait for an hour. It will kill off the larvae in no time. Just make sure you go with food-grade diatomaceous earth to ensure your safety and that of your pets. You can find it in agricultural feed stores.

Another solution is apple cider vinegar. Mix one part water and one part white vinegar in a spray bottle. Apply the product over the infested area and wait 30 minutes. You should then vacuum the area to remove the residue.

Got a moth problem with your carpets? You may be interested in reading our guide on how to get rid of carpet moths.

How can you prevent carpet beetles?

The best form of pest control is prevention, i.e. when you don't need to worry about carpet beetles in the first place. There are a few things you can do to reduce the chance of infestation at home.

Vacuum regularly

Perhaps the easiest thing to do is to stay on top of your vacuum cleaning. Not only does it reduce the chance of carpet beetle eggs making it to the next stage of their life cycle, but you also keep the carpet and rugs of your home clean and free of pollutants.

Open your closet for a few hours each day

Carpet beetles prefer dark places to hide. Opening your closet and wardrobe to natural light for a few hours each day can discourage the insects from setting up their colony inside. As for clothes, make sure you pack them away in airtight containers for the season as a barrier to unwanted guests.

Replace the various organic materials with synthetic fibres

Since carpet beetles and other insects feed on fabrics made out of natural materials, you can reduce the chance of getting these unwanted guests in your home by replacing said fabrics with synthetics.

Frequently Asked Questions

What instantly kills carpet beetles?

Carpet beetles are vulnerable to sudden changes in the environment. You can put infested pieces of clothing and covers in the fridge and essentially freeze carpet beetles. The insects will die of shock. You can also apply ice cubes in a bag to areas of infestation.

Can you get an allergic reaction to carpet beetles?

It is quite likely to get various forms of skin irritation from carpet beetle larvae. The small hairs on them act as irritants, which can cause rashes and the urge to scratch the affected area of the skin.

Can you completely get rid of carpet beetles?

You can remove carpet beetles by intensive cleaning and application of specialised products around the infested areas. You can also consult with a pest control professional for further aid.

What scent keeps carpet beetles away?

Essential oils act as natural deterrents to all kinds of insects, including carpet beetles. You can dilute peppermint oil and olive oil with water and spray the areas you suspect of beetle activity.

Image Credit: André Karwath aka Aka, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

How to Get Rid of Moths in Carpets

Image credit: Institution:Mississippi Entomological Museum, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Carpet moths can be a nuisance if you do not deal with them. They may seem small and insignificant, but while in their larvae stage, they can cause significant damage to tapestries, rugs, carpets and other soft furnishings.

Carpet moths are also known as Tapestry moths. They are a subspecies in the Tineidae moths, whose larvae feed on fungi, detritus and materials with keratin protein found in animal-based fibres. These carpet moths are common all around the round. If you notice threadbare patches on your rugs, carpets and hide decorations, then you have a moth problem.

The following guide will teach you more about carpet moths, how they end up in your home and develop into carpet moth infestations and how you can get rid of carpet moths efficiently.

How to get rid of carpet moths with natural treatments?

Many efficient methods help you deal with carpet moths naturally. Here are a few of them:

Vacuum regularly to get rid of carpet moths

Vacuuming is perhaps the simplest way to keep your carpet safe from both carpet moths and clothes moths. A good vacuum cleaner can kill carpet moths before they have become a problem by removing their larvae, eggs and even live insects from the crevices. Another step to solve your carpet moth problem is steam cleaning.

The larvae, eggs and adult case-bearing moths tend to die when exposed to high temperatures. A steam cleaner's temperature is well-suited for the task and it leaves your carpet looking fresh and new. This is the best way to remove carpet moths and remove deeply ingrained dirt deep within the fibres.

Vacuuming regularly is a simple form of moth control. You should be doing it at all times, not just when you identify carpet moths and want to take steps to rectify the situation. By vacuuming your carpet, you can reduce the chance of encountering the case-bearing clothes moth in addition to the carpet moth.

Get rid of carpet moths with white vinegar

Prepare a solution of one part white vinegar and two parts water. Use it to wipe down drawers, furniture, walls, cabinets and other hard surfaces in the areas where you suspect clothes moths and carpet moths eat clothes. Vinegar is a great natural solution to kill carpet moths thanks to its acidity. Not only does it deter moths but also removes their eggs and any lingering pheromones.

You can spray it on most fabrics, including those with natural fibres. If you want to be sure it's safe, you can test it on a small spot first to see if the colour is affected or if there is any other issue. Apply it with a sponge, a wet rag or by directly spraying it from a spray bottle.

Diatomaceous earth is also an option

Another organic way to deal with the adult carpet moth and clothes moth infestation is by sprinkling diatomaceous earth. It's completely safe for children and pets, but it can kill moths thanks to its contents. You should sprinkle it in the area infested by the common clothes moths, then leave it for a day. It takes some time to work, as moths and larvae need to come into contact with its powdery substance. You then just vacuum the area where the carpet moths tend to move around and you are done.

Set some moth traps

If you are looking for a simple-to-use solution for adult moths, you can try out moth traps. These come in a variety of products and solutions, typically glue strips and adhesive pads. Traps are usually laden with an agent that attracts the moths. It is a form of moth control, which works to attract and disable them before they have had a chance to go for your delicious carpets.

Insecticide sprays

If all else fails, you can go all-out with insecticide sprays. They are fast-acting solutions that can save your natural materials from case-bearing clothes moths and all other kinds of moth infestations. Moth sprays should only be applied to the guidelines on their label. Do not use them for purposes they are not designed for, such as dealing with bed bugs. You need to pay close attention to the product and what it specialises in.

How to identify a carpet moth infestation?

If you want to know for sure that you are dealing with a carpet moth infestation, you need to look for the telltale signs. Threadbare patches on the carpet are very visible evidence of a clothes moth problem. This is especially true if the problem is in a room that you don't use often. You can also notice some signs of carpet moth eggs in dark corners and closets, or beneath furniture.

Other indicators of carpet moths are bald patches on taxidermy, sticky webbing around skirting boards and beneath furniture you may be dealing with insects. The pupa stage leaves white cocoon casings so you can easily notice them. Apart from the white cocoon casings left on the carpet, keep your eyes open for moth activity and dead moths around dark corners, under furniture and in cracks/crevices of any room you don't use often. If you see any, immediately inspect the place for carpet moth eggs and larvae.

You may be interested in reading our guide on how to get rid of carpet beetles.

Here is what you should know about carpet moths

If you wish to get rid of carpet moths, you first need to understand them better. Knowing where to find them, what they eat and their carpet moth larvae will enable you to employ the best carpet moth treatment.

What are carpet moths?

The scientific name of these insects is Trichophaga Tapetzella and they are found all over the world. Carpet moths tend to vary in colour, but can usually be dark brown or creamy white. Carpet moth larvae are resilient to any climate and for this reason, can become a problem no matter where you live.

And while a carpet moth measures only less than an inch in length, they can be a problem. It is worth noting that it is not so much adult carpet moths that you should worry about, but rather their ravenous larvae stage that can cause damage to any household item with kreatin contents. Moth larvae need this substance to grow into adult carpet moths and reproduce.

What is the carpet moth life cycle?

There are four stages in the life cycle of a carpet moth: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The female adult carpet moth lays their eggs in materials rich in keratin, such as tapestries, wool, carpets and other soft furnishings. When the eggs hatch, carpet moth larvae feed intensively until the pupa stage occurs.

When a larva has consumed enough sustenance, they weave a cocoon to protect them as they metamorphose. Once they emerge from their cocoon, adults seek a mate to repeat this cycle. That is why you need to get rid of carpet moths and kill carpet moth larvae before you have a real carpet moth infestation on your hands.

How do carpet moths enter your home?

These insects tend to enter into houses and other buildings in a variety of ways. The simplest explanation is that an adult moth has entered through the window or door to lay eggs inside. It can also be the case that the eggs were unwillingly carried inside.

For example, they can get on a carpet roll that has been left outside during renovation or attached to the underside of furniture. It is important to inspect all thrift stores and secondhand items you bring home for carpet moth infestation.

If you have been keeping any items with natural fibres in a storage unit or a garage for a prolonged period, you should inspect them thoroughly for a carpet moth problem before you bring them back inside.

How to prevent carpet moths?

Experts agree that the easiest and most effective way of preventing issues with carpet moths is to stay on top of your cleaning. Vacuuming the carpet regularly can remove the eggs and larvae of the insects before they become a problem. Additionally, make sure you vacuum underneath heavy furniture and move the items aside now and then to clean the floor there.

Inspect dark closets, wardrobes and enclosed areas for any signs of moth activity. It is best to catch them early than to allow them time to increase their numbers and wreak havoc on the carpets and clothes. Be especially mindful of dark rooms with damp conditions, as those provide the ideal environment for moths. Make sure you fix any kind of leak in a room with a carpet or introduce a dehumidifier to reduce the overall level of moisture in rooms with a lot of natural fabrics.

In Conclusion

Carpet moths can be found all over the world. They can be particularly troublesome for carpets in dark rooms, as their larvae feed on the fibres. The way to remove them is to stay on top of your vacuum cleaning and apply natural products such as vinegar and water, or commercial insecticides when you want to deal with the problem quickly.

If you need help, our steam carpet cleaning can handle the moth larvae and prevent them from destroying your carpets. Give us a call for a free quote today!

FAQs about killing carpet moths and carpet moth larvae

What causes moths in the carpet?

The most common reason for these moths appearing in your home is that they are just looking for a place to lay eggs. Carpeting is an ideal environment for moth eggs and larvae because it is made of natural fibres they can later feed on. Before they move to the pupa stage of their life cycle, carpet moths feed on carpet fibres, bird feathers and animal hair. Another reason for carpet moth and common clothes moth problems is poor cleaning of the rooms.

What is the fastest way to get rid of carpet moths?

Doing a deep clean of the carpet is a good first step in the process. Vacuuming removes the eggs and larvae from the fibres, while steam cleaning can kill off the remaining insects. You can also employ a combination of treatment methods, such as insecticides, vinegar and water solutions, traps, etc.

Will vacuuming get rid of carpet moths?

Vacuuming is a great way to deal with moth eggs and larvae of these insects. It is a nice preventive method, which ensures there will be no adult insects and that your carpets will remain in a clean and fresh condition at all times.

How long do carpet moths last?

The life cycle of these creatures consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The longest one is the larval stage, which can last up to six months. Adult moths, on the other hand, only live for about two to three weeks.

How to use VAX carpet cleaner?

Having a carpet cleaner around your home is great. Vax machines enable various cleaning jobs. You can remove dirt from carpets and floors, clean sofas and windows, and even address stains caused by your pets. The best part is that using such a vax carpet cleaner machine will not take you hours but rather a quick vacuum and wash to restore the area.

Vax carpet cleaners are well-regarded carpet washer machines that can help you in many ways. A vax platinum smartwash may be just the thing you need to keep high-traffic areas of your home in pristine condition year after year.

The most important thing to remember is to keep your VAX carpet cleaning running smoothly at all times. Proper maintenance and following the instructions of the user guide are what will allow you to harness its true potential. In the following guide, you will find a few handy tips on the proper usage of a vax carpet cleaner.

Safety guidelines

It is important to always consider safety precautions before you bust out the vax carpet cleaner.

Once you have prepared the area of your home for cleaning and you have made sure the carpet cleaner is in top condition for the job, you can move on to the next step.

Check out our guide on How to Care for Your Carpet for more information.

Consult the carpet cleaner's guide

First, check for additional safety instructions and recommendations. You need to adhere to all of them when operating the vax carpet cleaner. Whether the guidelines are specific to the model or general recommendations on how to prepare and operate it, they are there for a reason. It may be prudent to test the machine on a small spot of your carpet or rug before you use it full-scale. It's a great way to find out how it works and that it is not causing any sort of damage to your carpet. Once you have done that, you are ready to use it on all of the visible areas of your home.

What are the benefits of a VAX carpet cleaner?

A vax carpet cleaner is a wonderful aid in your home or office. It can help you clean a wide range of items and areas, including carpets and upholstery. A good cleaner can even remove a stubborn stain on your carpets. This is a flexible tool that can save you a lot of trouble and effort with its quick clean mode.

The main benefit of a vax carpet cleaner lies in its deep cleaning capabilities. It can be used frequently or regularly and it will always do the job right. It's the perfect cleaning solution if you want to keep your carpet in top shape, but it can also be used in various other spaces, such as your car seats.

One of the best things about a vax carpet cleaning is its potential to deal with stains that might be impossible to remove otherwise. This makes a huge difference to the appearance of your carpet, whether it is in any of the rooms or perhaps the stairs.

How to use a Vax Platinum Power Max Carpet Cleaner

The first thing you should do is clear the area of clutter and make sure you have space to manoeuvre with the carpet cleaner. This means moving around furniture and other items.

Next, before you use your carpet cleaner, it is a good idea to do a quick vacuuming of the carpet to loose dirt and other surface spoils. Not only does this make the task of cleaning your carpets easier, but also keeps your carpet cleaner from clogging too fast and getting a dirty tank.

Time to fill up the water tank and add in cleaning solution to the carpet cleaner. Follow the instructions outlined in the owner's manual. Make sure you fill the clean water tank with enough liquid but don't go overboard. There is likely to be an indication of the right amount. Also, make sure you use only the recommended type of solution for your carpet cleaner.

Using the vax pre-treatment wand

Depending on your vax carpet cleaner, it may include a vax pre-treatment wand. This feature allows you to clean any stain on your floors before using your carpet cleaner. Use the wand to apply a cleaning solution to any spot in your home. Allow it to sit for about 15 minutes but not till it's dry. You can then treat the rest of the carpet with your vax carpet cleaner.

What cleaning solution will you need?

Apart from a vax carpet cleaner, you will need clean water for the tanks, a separate cleaning solution for carpets and a bucket if there is even a need to mix products. You can also acquire a selection of vax products to clean your home, depending on your needs.

The washing process

It is a straightforward process with steps that differ depending on your model of a vax cleaner. Usually, you must fill the twin tanks/single tank of your vax cleaner. Then use the wash setting and press the trigger to apply the solution. Release the trigger when pulling back the nozzle.

Post-treatment and drying

The quick clean function of your vax carpet cleaner allows you to clean your home and let the surfaces dry faster. It is a change from a deeper cleaning to a faster drying experience. You can also dry your carpets faster by running fans and allowing rooms to ventilate properly.

Maintenance and troubleshooting

If you carry out proper maintenance, your vax carpet cleaner will not run into any issues. Don't let dirty water sit in the tank for too long. Make sure you assemble your vax carpet cleaner as you take it out of the box. Follow the owner's instructions on how to operate and keep your vax carpet cleaner in top shape at all times.

A vax carpet cleaner can be the best tool for keeping carpets and upholstery in your home clean and disinfected. Make sure you read the manual for optimal use of the machine.

How to Clean Carpet on Stairs By Hand or Machine: Best Methods

In this article, we’ll elaborate on the best way to clean stair carpets given that you aren't interested in booking carpet cleaning services in London. We will focus on cleaning by hand as well as using a machine. If you want to take better care of your carpeted stairs, keep reading.

Key Takeaways from Cleaning Stairs Carpet

How to Clean Carpeted Stairs by Hand (Using Carpet Shampoo)

woman cleaning her carpet stairs by hand using carpet shampooing

The first step is to run a scrub brush over the fabric and loosen dirt. You might also use a broom for that purpose. Needless to say, you have to start at the top and work your way down to the bottom. When you get there, take a dustpan to collect the dirty particles.

The other way to do this is to stick with carpet shampoo. It can get rid of stains and mud. Mix the product with warm water to dilute it. Apply carpet shampoo over the stained areas and spread it with a soft brush. If you have a wool carpet, steer clear of the brush and use a clean cloth instead, paying attention to every high-traffic area.

When you are done spreading the mixture, blot with paper towels, a clean cloth or a white towel. Let the carpeting area dry in full.

You can implement the same strategy using mild dish soap or white vinegar. Be careful not to use too much product since it will be difficult to get rid of it. Scrub each step from top to bottom using circular motions or just by going back and forth.

You don’t want to use a lot of water because it will create the ideal environment for mould growth. After the cleaning is over, it’s wise to turn on a fan near the stairs to help the carpet dry faster. Open the windows to facilitate the process. When it's completely dry, we recommend doing some final vacuuming.

How to Clean Carpet on Stairs with a Steam Carpet Cleaner

man cleaning carpet stairs with steam cleaning machine

One of the best ways to clean carpeted stairs is to go for a steam cleaner. There are steam cleaners for rent at any hardware store or other outlets. Of course, the best results are achieved by professional-grade equipment but you can still do a decent job with a rented carpet cleaner.

To start off, you need a lightweight vacuum or a regular vacuum with a brush attachment and a long cord. Pass it over the carpeted steps to lift dirt and debris. Before you begin, read the manufacturer’s instructions on how to use the steam cleaner. These machines can extract dirt, remove stains, and even offer sanitation properties.

When you are done, remove excess water by blotting the stairs with towels. Open the windows to allow the air to circulate unobstructed or run a fan in the room. It’s important to speed up the drying process so you prevent the formation of mould in the fabric.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to clean a very dirty carpet?

First, apply baking soda and let it sit. Then add some dish soap and water into the mix. Run a soft-bristled brush over the fabric to spread the concoction so it can penetrate deep into the carpeting.
Scrub and rinse to remove the embedded grime from the stairs. Repeat the steps as many times as necessary until the dust is gone. Don’t forget to ensure good ventilation in the room to speed up drying. If you don't get the desired results, stick with professional services.

How do you clean carpet on stairs without removing it?

Apply baking soda directly on the fabric. Spread it around with a stiff brush, trying to get it into the fibres. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and then vacuum it.

What can I use to keep my carpet stairs clean?

Sweep or vacuum your carpeted steps regularly to remove large debris and loosened dirt. Regularly cleaning the stairs with a stiff broom or vacuum will take care of most dust, which means you won't need to deep clean the fabric as often.

What is the most effective carpet cleaning method?

One of the best carpet cleaning methods is steam cleaning. It not only eliminates stains but also sanitises the fabric, leaving it fresh and bright.

How often should you shampoo a stair carpet?

Considering carpeting areas get a lot of foot traffic, they should be shampooed two or three times a year. Spread the product with a clean towel or a sponge.

Can I use a Rug Doctor on my stairs?

Sure. This is a great way to go. It saves you plenty of effort and time.

How do you clean the corners of a carpet on stairs?

If your vacuum comes with a crevice attachment, put it to work. A handheld vacuum cleaner can also do the trick if you don’t happen to have a hose attachment in your cleaning arsenal. You might consider hiring professional cleaning services for your carpets, though.

Looking for more cleaning tips? Check out our other post about how to clean bleach cleanable carpets at home or how to clean a jute rug.

If you need assistance, don't hesitate to give us a call and let us handle all the cleaning work for you. We are based at 130 Cat Hill, London, Barnet EN4 8HU, United Kingdom but we provide cleaning services in all parts of London.

How to Clean Bleach Cleanable Carpet

This post offers tips and advice on how to clean bleach cleanable carpets.

Key Takeaways

How Stain Resistant Are Bleach Cleanable Carpets?

They are quite stain resistant actually because they are made of 100% polypropylene. Polypropylene is known for its resistance to liquid spillages and stains.

It just doesn’t allow spills to be absorbed deep into the fibres, which makes it easier to get rid of the stains.

Spilt coffee or red wine? Nor problem.

Not to mention, you can use oxygen-based bleach to clean these carpets. You don’t have to worry that the fabric will discolour or get ruined in the process.

This makes bleachable carpets good value for your money.

How Do You Get Stains out of Bleachable Carpet?

Since these types of carpets tolerate some bleach, you can make a solution of one part water and one part bleach in a bowl.

Immerse a clean cloth or towel into the bowl to get it soaked and then rub it into the stain. Start at the edges of the spot working towards the centre. You can also go for a soft brush.

Add more cleaning solution to the towel as necessary and continue to scrub until the stain disappears.

Once it’s gone, soak a clean end of the microfiber cloth into the bleach solution and run it through the fabric once again. Rinse well and let dry completely. 

What You Need to Know about Bleach for Stain Removal

woman using bleach to clean a carpet at home

Bleach can seep into the black colours of your carpet and ruin them.

A great piece of advice is to neutralise bleach so that it can become inert. Otherwise, it will be active and it can burn you and your family. So, mix it with water ahead of time.

You can bleach white carpets for stain removal.

So how to bleach a carpet? Add a cup of bleach to a gallon of water. Mix them in a bucket or a large container and stir. Spray the solution onto the desired areas on the carpet.

If the carpet is white, spray the whole surface. But if it’s not, use the solution only in the targeted areas. Keep in mind that this is bleach after all. It is harmful to the environment, animals, and human beings.

Safety Considerations of Using Bleach Solution

When using bleach, you should always wear a mask, protective glasses, and gloves to create a physical barrier between the bleach and your skin and face.

As well as that, you should open the windows to let fresh air in. The chemicals in bleach can harm the respiratory system, so you have to ensure the room you’re working in is well-ventilated.

In addition, don’t always use bleach to clean your bleachable carpets. It is mostly a disinfectant. Instead, resort to ingredients like vinegar and baking soda.

And lastly, when incorporating bleach into the cleaning process, make sure to keep children and pets out of the room for the time being.

Tips & Advice for Keeping Carpets in Tiptop Shape

Blot spills and remove stains immediately

There is no doubt that cleaning stains as soon as they occur makes the job a lot easier than trying to remove stubborn stains.

Not only will you save a lot of time and effort but you will keep your carpets looking good. Another wise tip is to keep your shoes at the door so as not to transfer mud to the carpet.

Vacuum your new carpet regularly

We can’t stress enough how important it is to hoover your carpets on the regular. This will keep food particles and other debris from getting trapped in the fabric and damaging the carpet fibres.

If you really want to take this to the next level, purchase both a suction cleaner and an upright vacuum.

Hire professional carpet cleaners every year

Invest in professional cleaning services as this is the best way to keep dirt away from the carpets. Professional carpet cleaners in London have extensive knowledge of cleaning formulas and techniques.

They are well-versed in treating different types of stains the right way without compromising the quality of the job. Plus, they are armed with industry-grade carpet cleaning products that are safe for both kids and pets.

The equipment is also gentle on the environment. There is a slew of benefits to scheduling a professional carpet cleaning service on a yearly basis and this will result in longer-lasting carpets.

You may be interested in reading our guide on how to clean a heavily soiled carpet next.

FAQs on Bleaching Carpets

Does bleach turn the carpet yellow?

Bleach won’t pose any harm to your bleachable carpets but it can damage other carpet types. Keep in mind that it hits the blue colour first. After that, it strikes the red and yellow colours.

Does bleach stain the carpet straight away?

It strips the material of its pigment and it works pretty fast. That’s why you have to act fast if you spill bleach on non-bleachable carpets.

Does bleach change carpet color?

It causes colour loss in non-bleachable carpets. Unless your carpet is the bleachable type, you should select a special carpet cleaner for it or a cleaning product that doesn't cause damage.

Do not use bleach on wool.

Is it safe to clean a carpet with bleach?

It is safe to clean bleach-friendly carpets with bleach. For other carpet types, you want to refrain from employing bleach in the cleaning process.

Always consult the carpet manufacturer to see if bleach can be utilised to clean item. You can also get professional advice.

How to Get Rid of Urine from Carpet?

When you have pets or small children, all kinds of urine-related accidents can happen. Your dog or cat may pee on the carpet, or your toddler may overturn the potty, both of which can be very unpleasant situations.

We all know that dealing with pee stains is a daunting task. Not to mention the smell that it may spread around your home, especially if the liquid has already soaked into the tissues and dried. Taking prompt action is the key to preventing odours and potential discolouration of your beloved carpet.

Here, we will provide you with some valuable tips and instructions on how to get rid of urine from carpets. We hope these will help you handle this challenging task. However, if you have to deal with older stains or strong and persistent smells then it would be better to let professional carpet cleaners work their magic.

The importance of prompt action

If you act quickly, you could save yourself a lot of effort and headaches. When a cat or dog pee is left on the carpet for an extended period of time, it can not only leave an ugly stain but may also spread a bad odor throughout your home.

Pet pee is highly acidic. This means that the longer it remains on the carpet tissue, the more harm it can cause. The molecules of urine can bind deeply into the fibers causing a strong and persistent odour. Additionally, pets can associate the smell of their pee with the location and may be more likely to repeat the behaviour if the smell is still there.

Also, prompt action is important because of the presence of bacteria and other microbes in pet urine, which can grow and multiply if not cleaned. These can be hazardous to both human and dog health.

Overall, prompt cleaning is usually the best solution. However, there are instances when accidents go unnoticed, and urine stains may persist on your carpet or upholstered furniture for an extended period. In such cases, it is advisable to rely on professionals who possess the expertise to effectively address your carpet cleaning needs.

How to get fresh cat or dog pee stains from carpet?

Quick steps on how to get urine stains out of your carpets, for more information check below.

  1. Immediate Urine Absorption

    As soon as you notice the stain, blot the area with a clean cloth or paper towels to soak up as much urine as possible. Do not rub or scrub as this could make the issue worse.

  2. Complete Liquid Removal

    Once most of the fresh urine is blotted, address the remaining liquid. This step is crucial to prevent bad odors.

  3. Cleaning Solution Selection

    Choose a cleaning solution. You can either use household items like baking soda or distilled white vinegar, or a ready-to-use carpet cleaner specifically for pet messes. Ensure the product you choose is suitable for your carpet and pet-friendly to avoid provoking a repeated incident.

  4. Baking Soda Treatment

    If you opt for a natural cleaning solution, consider using baking soda. Spread it on the stain and leave it overnight, then vacuum the carpet in the morning to remove any residue.

  5. Vinegar Solution Preparation

    Alternatively, make a vinegar-based cleaning solution. Combine equal amounts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle, and add 1 tablespoon of baking soda for extra power. Shake well to mix the ingredients.

  6. Vinegar Solution Application

    Spray the vinegar solution on the affected area and leave it for a few minutes.

  7. Residue Cleanup

    Wipe up the remains using a damp towel.

If you're lucky enough to notice the stain right away, take some paper towels or a clean cloth (whatever you have on hand) and soak up as much urine as you can. Remember to just blot dry the affected area, rather than rubbing or scrubbing it, since this may aggravate the issue.

Once you have wiped off most of the fresh pee, it is time to address the remaining liquid. You should pay special attention to this part of the cleaning process since if you do not perform it properly, the left urine will cause a bad odour.

You basically have a few options for cleaning cat or dog pee and preventing lingering odours. The first one is to use some household belongings such as baking soda or distilled white vinegar. Another option is to treat the stained area with a ready-to-use carpet cleaner specifically designed for pet messes. However, when buying such a product you need to be very careful and choose one that is suitable for your carpet type. Many detergents contain strong cleaning chemicals which may provoke your cat or dog to reinforce the urine smell mark in that place.

In general, natural cleaning solutions are often the best weapon. They are pet safe, human safe and also quite affordable. One common household item you can use is baking soda. Just spread it onto the stain and leave it to act overnight. On the next morning, vacuum your carpet to eliminate any residue.

Another simple and inexpensive product that you may use to combat the pee stain is vinegar. Just combine equal amounts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. You may also add about 1 tablespoon of baking soda to make the cleaning solution even more powerful. Mix well all ingredients and then spray on the affected area. Leave the vinegar mixture for a couple of minutes and after that wipe up the remains using a damp towel.

How to clean dried pet urine out of carpet?

  1. Assess the Situation: If the pet urine stain has already dried, consider the difficulty of the task. Evaluate if it can be managed by yourself or if professional cleaning services might be necessary due to their specialized equipment and expertise.
  2. Pre-treatment Process: Begin the cleaning process by gently dabbing the dried stain with clean towels and warm water to attempt to lift as much of the stain as possible.
  3. Wet-Dry Vacuum Cleaning: Use a wet-dry vacuum cleaner on the pre-treated area, continuing to repeat this process until there is no noticeable improvement.
  4. Soaking and Blotting Method: If you don't have a wet-dry vacuum, alternatively, try repeatedly soaking and blotting the stain with warm water and clean towels. Take care not to rub the area too harshly to avoid damaging the carpet fibres.
  5. Consider Hiring Professionals: If the stain persists after attempting DIY methods, or if you prefer a more thorough cleaning, hire professional carpet cleaners to ensure a deeper and more effective result.

If you didn't notice the pet pee accident and the stain has already dried, it can be challenging to resolve the issue on your own. In a such situation, your best bet is to trust the pros to handle your carpet. They have access to specialized equipment and products. In addition, the experts know the best methods for removing urine stains and smell from carpets.

However, although it may require a bit more effort, it doesn't mean that you cannot handle pet urine odours by yourself. One way to do so is with the help of a wet-dry vacuum cleaner. First, dab the stain with clean towels and warm water to try to pull it up. Then turn the wet-dry vacuum cleaner and begin sucking the soiled area. You may need to repeat the process until you eliminate the stain completely.

Alternatively, you can try repeatedly soaking and blotting the stain with warm water and towels. Just ensure you do not rub the area too aggressively because it can damage carpet fibres. Keep in mind that this approach might be laborious and frustrating. There is also a high possibility of inefficiency.

So, if you want to ensure deeper and proper cleaning, consider hiring professional carpet cleaners.

How to get pet pee smell out of carpet?

If the urine stain is not too old then you may try to remove odours with baking soda. This ingredient is mildly alkaline and may help to neutralize acidic components present in pet urine. Just sprinkle baking soda directly on the urine stain and let it sit for 10 to 12 hours. After that, vacuum it thoroughly to remove any left powder.

If there are old, dried stains on your carpet and the odor lingers around your home you may try to combat the problem with an enzymatic cleaner. Such products are able to break down the organic components of pet urine, including uric acid crystals and bacteria. There are many options available but protease-based enzymatic cleaners are usually the most efficient for pet urine smells. Before using any enzyme-based products make sure to carefully read the instruction provided by the manufacturer as well as test the cleaner on a small, invisible area.

Hydrogen peroxide is another ingredient that may be beneficial in neutralizing pet odours. You will need one cup of hydrogen peroxide (3 percent), a few drops of dish soap (or laundry detergent) and 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda. Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle and spray the solution over the carpet. Leave it to act for about 15-20 minutes and rinse well with plain water. Please note that you should be particularly careful when using hydrogen peroxide because it may cause discolouration on some carpets, specifically dark-coloured ones.

Keep in mind that the urine odor may persist even after you used the treatments listed above. Professional carpet cleaning is one of the best ways to get rid of the unpleasant smell. Therefore, it could prove highly advantageous to contemplate this possibility.

How to get human urine out of carpet?

Removing human urine, just like pet urine, requires prompt action and the right approach. If the pee is still fresh your chances of successful cleaning are higher. First, get some paper towels and start soaking up the liquid. Try to absorb as much of the urine as you can.

The next step is to treat the area with a cleaning solution. You can create your own cleaner by mixing equal parts of white vinegar and water. Pour the mixture onto the stain and leave it to act for a couple of minutes. Then rinse the area with cool water and let it completely dry. Alternatively, you can tackle the spot with a ready-to-use carpet cleaner. Just be sure that it is designed for urine stains. Also, do not forget to test it on an inconspicuous area first.

If the pee stain is old and causes a bad smell, consider hiring expert cleaners.

How to get human pee smell out of carpet?

Dealing with human pee smell is not an easy task. Professional carpet cleaning service can be your best option especially if the urine has penetrated deep into the carpet and padding. Alternatively, you may try the baking soda method: spread some powder onto the spot and allow it to sit there for 10 to 12 hours. After that, thoroughly vacuum it to remove any leftovers.

Enzymatic cleaners may also be beneficial, in some cases. However, the effectiveness of such cleaning agents may depend on various factors such as the age of the urine stain, the carpet material, and the specific enzymatic cleaner used. Following the instructions on the product label is crucial for optimal results.

If you found this useful, you may want to read about how to get rid of dog poop out of your carpet as well.

Frequently asked questions

How to Clean Poop Out of Carpet

Poop stains are probably the kind of stains you least want to see on the carpet. The usual culprits are babies, kittens and puppies, although an older dog pet can also sometimes cause trouble. Poop stains are unsightly and leave an unpleasant smell that can penetrate the carpet fibres.

If you find yourself staring at some dog poop stains on the carpet all too often, you should do 2 things. One, try to discipline your dog and two, learn how to tackle this sort of stain so that it doesn't leave lasting damage on the carpet. The following guide aims to provide you with some information on the latter.

Professional vs DIY

Professional carpet cleaning is always a great way to deal with unwanted stains. The experts use specialised solutions and the right tools that guarantee the whole process is a success. However, when you have little to no time to waste, it is up to you to deal with the pet stain on your carpet. All the tips shared below can help you with the cleaning process and to clean dog poop stains not just from the carpet fibres.

Important things to remember when you clean dog poop

How to get poop stains out of carpet

The following is a step-by-step guide to dealing with a mess on the carpet left by your dog.

How to get dog poop out of carpet

  1. Remove the poop - don some gloves and place the faeces in a plastic bag. Be as quick as possible so that it doesn't sit to further stain the carpet. Scoop up the excess poop with paper towels or a disinfecting wipe.
  2. Mix your own DIY cleaning solution - you will require 3 ingredients to tackle the carpet stain. One tablespoon of dish soap/dishwashing detergent along with one tablespoon of white vinegar/hydrogen peroxide are both added to two cups of cool water. Avoid soaps that contain bleach, as it can be harmful when added to a vinegar solution. Read our other post on how to clean bleach cleanable carpets for more information.
  3. Test the cleaner - to be sure your cleaning solution won't damage the carpet, use a small amount of it on a hidden area first. if no discolouration or damage occurs, you are safe to treat the area.
  4. Treat the stained area - blot the area working from the outside of the stain. Pour a small amount of your cleaning solution onto a clean cloth or use a spray bottle. Wait for a few minutes so the disinfecting spray can do its work and then blot dry.
  5. Rinse and dry - pour some cold water onto the stain and blot again. Remove excess moisture with a cloth or some paper towels.
  6. Work with oxygen bleach or other heavier solution for stubborn stains - to clean dog poop that is resisting your DIY solution, you may need something stronger. A few extra drops of hydrogen peroxide can do the trick, or perhaps an ammonia-based cleaner. Refrain from using this on wool carpets, as it can damage them.
  7. Deodorise - one way to remove unpleasant odours is to use baking soda. Cover the stained area with baking soda and let it sit overnight. After that you just vacuum it and the smell should be gone. You can also mix a solution of one part vinegar and one part warm water to spray on the area before applying baking soda. Or you can add a few drops of essential oil to the soda before you vacuum to make it smell nice.

How to remove old stains from the carpet?

If your dog has left dried poop on the carpet and you didn't manage to deal with it quickly, here is what you should do.


How to Clean a Heavily Soiled Carpet

Having a carpet in your home is great. There is nothing like the sense of warmth and beauty that it brings to the room and it can be especially great if you have children to roll and run around on the soft carpet fibres.

But there is one very important thing to remember: no matter what size, colour, type or brand of carpet you have, it is going to require a lot of cleaning and maintenance. It is safe to say you are even going to need professional carpet cleaning services from time to time, as that is the best way to clean the area of all impurities. 

Apart from vacuuming the carpet, which is the essential routine cleaning process, you are going to have to do some deep cleaning. If you have ignored those duties, then your carpet will become heavily soiled. The same is when you have an emergency, such as flooding and you need to clean your carpet. We will cover useful tips for such cases and more in the following guide. 

How to clean heavily soiled carpet after a flood?

woman manually cleanign a wet carpet by hand

Heavy rain or pipe problems can lead to a carpet being flooded with water. Every carpet cleaner can tell you this - excess moisture during a steam clean process or flooding always spells trouble for carpet fibres. Depending on the level of flooding, you may need to replace certain parts or consider getting a new carpet. It is helpful to get professionals on the job, as they know how to deep clean carpets in case of such an emergency. 

You may need to remove the pad 

If the damage is serious, you have to remove the pad underneath the carpet. Sometimes, it is glued to the floor, so you will need professional assistance for this step. Getting a replacement is usually the case when the backing has been damaged by the water and replacing it is the only option moving forward. Depending on how long the water sits on the carpet, the carpet may develop mould and mildew spores, which calls for disinfection. 

Dry the carpet thoroughly

Excess water can not only heavily soil the carpet but also cause mould and mildew to grow. Allowing the carpet to dry naturally may not be an option, considering the severity of the issue. You want the area to dry quickly or else moisture can be damaging to carpets. You may need to employ fans and ensure the place gets as much ventilation as possible. 

Follow up with an anti-microbial solution 

When the water is gone, you will have to disinfect the entire carpet. Using a cleaning solution to remove microbes and bacteria from the area is necessary, in order to restore the carpet and sanitise it. Then, a special cleaning machine can be used to deep clean your carpet and restore it. 

How to deep clean carpet? 

man cleaning up carpet by hand

While it is great to use your vacuum cleaner to remove ground-in dirt with the vacuum on a regular basis, cleaning old carpets this way is not going to restore their 'like new' look. Here are a few methods for you to consider: 

Deep cleaning without a machine 

A carpet-cleaning machine is your best option for a thorough clean. If you lack one, you can go the DIY route. Here is a recipe you can follow for some homemade carpet cleaning solution: 

This process may take some time, but it will clean your carpet naturally and save you the need to rent a carpet cleaning machine. For more information, check out our blog about how to clean an area rug at home.

Use a carpet cleaning machine 

People used to stray away from carpet cleaning apparatus, which was considered too big and uncomfortable to work with. But nowadays there are more compact machines that can do wonders on matted carpets and against dirt and stains. The way you deep clean rugs and carpets with a machine is simple. Just follow these steps: 

How to remove stains with baking soda and other natural methods? 

woman cleaning carpet stain

The best time to remove stains from carpet is to deal with the issue as soon as possible. The longer a carpet stain remains within the fibres, the more difficult it will be to remove it. The thing that professionals always advise is to act quickly and never scrub a stain. Instead, you should blot up as much of the stain as possible with a clean cloth. Here are several cleaning methods for dealing with the most common stains: 

Remove pet stains with white vinegar 

If you have a pet in your home, you need to be ready for accidents. If there is poop, urine or vomit on the carpet, you can remedy the situation with a combination of quick action and using your own carpet cleaner. White vinegar is a good solution that can help with pet accidents on the carpet. You can clean a carpet by hand with a solution of 50% white vinegar and 50% lukewarm water. It works to neutralise the stain and also remove the odour. Shake the mix in a spray bottle and apply it to the stained area. Work the solution into the fibres and use a clean cloth to blot. Repeat until your carpet looks restored. 

Remove a red wine stain

When a red wine stain occurs, tend to it as soon as possible. Blot it up and sprinkle some table salt on it. You want to absorb as much of the liquid as possible before it has had the chance to set in. Pour some water onto the stain to dilute the wine and continue blotting. Use baking soda paste to address the stain further. Baking soda is a great tool you can use in a regular carpet cleaning routine, which also helps against red wine. Mix 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water, then apply it to the stained area. Let it dry completely and then vacuum. Repeat the process if the wine stain is still visible. 

Remove a coffee stain 

Many carpet owners who like to drink coffee like to be prepared in case their favourite drink ends up on the carpet. First, you have to blot up excess moisture. Again, try to be quick, before the liquid gets to the carpet backing and damages the carpet. Mix 2 teaspoons of dishwashing liquid into 2 cups of water and apply on the stain. Work the solution into the fibres, starting from the outside of the stain and moving to the centre. Blot with water to remove the solution and treat the stain. If the stain persists, you may need to apply a stronger solution, such as oxygen bleach. 

If your carpet can be cleaned by bleach, you can read our guide on how to clean bleach cleanable carpets.

Remove an ink stain 

Rubbing alcohol is a great tool for any sort of ink. Soak a sponge with rubbing alcohol and start blotting at the ink stain. After several tries, it should start to lift. Continue till the stain is removed completely. Hydrogen peroxide can help you if you find an old ink stain. Blot it thoroughly till it comes out. Then flush with water to remove the hydrogen peroxide and let the carpet dry out completely. Repeat if the stain is still visible. 

Remove nail polish stain 

First, remove as much of the polish as possible with a solid object, like a knife or a spoon. Then, test a small inconspicuous area of the carpet for how it tolerates acetone. This is the best tool to use for the job. If your carpet is fine, you can apply some acetone on the area with a cotton swab. Dab the area and apply again until the stain lifts up. Rinse with water thoroughly and then use a carpet shampooer to finish the job. 

Knowing how to address stains and other issues with a heavily soiled carpet can help you restore the area. Remember, proper cleaning is important for the long-term sustainability of the carpet. 

Is vacuuming mandatory for carpet cleaning?

The answer is yes. Vacuuming is absolutely essential for routine and deep cleaning alike, as it removes caked-on dirt from the carpet pile. You can go over your carpet one or two times if there is a lot of traffic and it will really make a difference to the stains and dirt present there. If you have a cleaning lady coming over, always instruct them to go over the carpet with a vacuum cleaner. While dry cleaning and rinsing the carpet can be effective at cleaning a heavily soiled carpet, proper vacuuming will prevent the soiling in the first place. 

How often to clean your carpet? 

Carpets accumulate dust, dirt, grime, pet hair and dander over time. That is why you have to do regular cleaning with a vacuum. Vacuuming once a week is generally enough for most areas. If there is heavy traffic, you may need to do one cleaning session with a vacuum frequently. You can then go with professional carpet cleaning of the whole every few months. 

How to Clean Vomit and Sick off from Carpet

Vomit accidents can happen to the best of us. Whether you have pets or kids, carpet stains are inevitable. The best thing you can do? Arm yourself with knowledge of the best techniques for removing vomit from upholstery and carpets so you act quickly once it occurs. In this post, we are happy to show you how to do it the right way without damaging your expensive belongings. Let’s get started.

Key Takeaways on How to Remove Vomit Stains from Carpet

If you're not able to get rid of the stains by yourself, you can always give us a call and use our professional carpet cleaning services.

What Is the Best Way to Clean up Vomit from Carpet?

Before you can successfully treat a stain, you need to know what it’s made of so you can find a mixture that can counteract the spot.

Just like blood, urine, and dog poop, vomit is a body fluid which means it contains protein. And protein-based stains are best removed with an enzyme cleaner. In particular, you’re looking for protease enzymes since they break down protein into smaller molecules. This way, the spot can be washed more easily. Just to compare, for oil stains, you’ll need lipases.

Enzyme cleaners are available both online and offline, their price varying widely from one store to the next. You can make your own concoction by mixing citrus rinds, yeast, water, and brown sugar into an airtight jar. Let them ferment before use.

Other things that will work include dishwashing soap, vinegar and water, and club soda. There is a special home concoction you can make to remove the stain. It involves mixing 2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol, 2 cups of warm water, 1/2 cup of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of liquid soap, and 1 tablespoon of salt in a container. Then you want to transfer it onto the carpet and work with it.

How Do You Deal with Dried Vomit?

The perfect combo that will help you loosen the stain is a dab of dish soap, 1 cup of water, and 1 tablespoon of white vinegar. Mix them well and sponge the surface with the solution. Try not to rub. Use a blotting action instead. Do this until you loosen the stain. When the stain comes out, apply cold water and blot it with a clean cloth or paper towel. Allow to air dry.

How to Get rid of Vomit Stains from Upholstery: Easy Steps

It is important to address any vomit stains as soon as possible to prevent them from becoming permanent and more difficult to remove. You want to start by scraping the excess vomit off. Remove as much vomit as possible. Next, blot the stain with paper towels or a clean cloth, whatever you have at your disposal.

Method 1

If you have pets, you’ll find it handy to keep an enzymatic cleaner in the pantry at all times for ‘special' occasions like this one. Grab that product and spray a decent amount of it directly on the targeted area. Using a clean towel or a sponge, start blotting from the border of the stain into the centre. In other words, don’t let it spread outside the affected region.

Repeat these steps as many times as needed until you get as much of the stain out. Then, rinse well with a clean damp cloth.

Method 2

With this technique, you need some good old baking soda or cornstarch. If you catch your pet in the act of puking on your sofa, sprinkle the targeted carpet area with baking soda right away and let it sit overnight. If necessary, go back to the stain a couple of times to sprinkle more soda. It will soak up any bad smells and the stain itself. On the next day, take the vacuum and go over the powder until you suction all of it.

How to Eliminate Vomit Smell from Carpet

When you finally remove the vomit stain, you’re not done with the job. Now, you are left with a rancid odour that can hang over for days and re-emerge every time the carpet is damp. It’s vital you deal with it now so you don’t have to tackle it later.

Mix hydrogen peroxide with water so it is diluted and apply it directly on the affected area with a spray bottle. If you don’t mind the smell of vinegar, you can substitute hydrogen peroxide for distilled white vinegar. For this one, combine equal parts vinegar and water.

Baking soda works great too. Dilute baking soda in water until you make a paste. Transfer it onto the targeted area of the carpet and leave it on until it dries. Use a spoon or another flat tool like the back of a knife to scrape off the paste from the fabric. Run a vacuum over it to remove any remaining powder.

Before you begin, do a spot test on an inconspicuous area of the carpet to ensure the solution doesn’t discolour or damage it.

When you are done add a few drops of essential oils.

Things to Consider Before Cleaning Vomit from Your Upholstery and Carpet

FAQ on How to Clean Vomit out of Carpet and Upholstery

Why do dogs and cats vomit on the carpet?

Some experts believe that the act of vomiting is quite a violent exercise for cats and dogs, that’s why they need to have a good grip on the floor with their legs. And since floors can be slippery, pets prefer being on a carpet during a vomiting event.

Can you get sick from cleaning up vomit?

If you don’t use gloves or wash your hands after you clean the vomit, there is a chance you might get sick depending on how contaminated the area is. Viruses are notorious for surviving days on hard surfaces. That’s why you should use a disinfectant on the stained area (and your hands) after you scrape off the stain.

Can vomit permanently stain a carpet?

If you don’t remove the traces of vomit as soon as you can, it may leave a permanent stain on your carpet. Hurry up and clean the mess before it had gotten a chance to damage your item. Use paper towels to absorb as much of the spot as you can. Next, spray the area with a commercial cleaning product that you should leave for 10 to 15 minutes. Before you get to this step, we advise you check your carpet care label to avoid causing further damage.

How long does a vomit smell last?

Depending on how deep the stain is, the bad odour will linger on for days and even months. If you want to get rid of it fast, you should provide adequate airflow in the room by keeping windows open or running a fan.

Is vomit hard to get out of carpet?

It's easier to remove stains that just happened rather than dried vomit on carpet.

And this wraps up our tips on cleaning vomit from your carpet. We hope you did a good job. If you can't get vomit off the fabric despite your best efforts, consider calling in a pro. Not only will they give it an effective treatment but they can help you keep your home clean.

How Often Should Carpets be Cleaned?

When it comes to house cleaning, many people neglect to pay special attention to carpets. They frequently devote more time and effort to other tasks such as dusting, washing mattresses and upholstered furniture, and overlook the fact that carpets require more care than just vacuuming.

However, this can be a big mistake because carpets and rugs can leave a strong impression on us without us even realizing it. Improper maintenance can not only ruin the appearance of your home but can also cause a foul odour. It is essential that you take proper care of your carpets so that they remain in good condition for as long as possible.

This includes not only regular vacuuming but also having them professionally cleaned. In addition to keeping your carpets looking good, proper care will keep your home smelling fresher and, most importantly, healthier.

But how often should you actually clean your carpets? What is the optimal frequency for vacuuming them and how often do you need to hire a professional carpet cleaning service? In this article, we will answer these questions.

How often should you clean your carpet?

Picture of hand with sponge cleaning carpet

In general, you should vacuum your carpets once a week and have them professionally cleaned once or twice a year. However, this is only the bare minimum of carpet care, and for most families with children or pets, this is insufficient.

Factors influencing how often you need to clean your carpets

The frequency with which carpets should be cleaned is very individual and depends on several factors. Here are some things you may want to consider when planning your cleaning routine.

Keep in mind that the type of carpet you have and its colour also play a role when it comes to cleaning frequency. Wool carpets, for example, may necessitate more frequent cleaning because they trap more dust and dirt. The same is true for light-colored carpets. They normally need to be cleaned more frequently because they become stained easier.

How often should carpets be cleaned professionally?

professional carpet cleaners cleaning a carpet in london

If you want to maintain a nice and tidy home, you need to get your carpets professionally cleaned at least every 12 months. For busy homes, many specialists recommend this task be done every six months. If you have kids or own pets, you may need to hire pros every 3 to 6 months. In case you have both pets and children then it might be best to consider getting your carpets cleaned every 2 to 3 months.

Carpets quickly accumulate dirt, bacteria, dust mites, and allergens. This can ruin the appearance of your carpets as well as the air quality in your home. Using common household cleaning products and carpet cleaners to remove dirt and spills is often insufficient to ensure that your carpets and the air you breathe are as clean as possible. That is why it is critical to hire a professional cleaning service every 12-18 months, or more frequently as needed.

How often you should vacuum your carpets?

Regular vacuuming should occur at least once or twice a week depending on the circumstances of your household. For light-traffic areas, vacuuming once a week might be sufficient. However, if you have a high-traffic living space it is advisable to vacuum it 2 or 3 times a week. If you have kids you may need to vacuum your carpets on a daily basis. The same applies if you own pets.

Carpets can hold all kinds of unwanted substances, both visible and invisible, over time. They collect all kinds of bacteria and debries, as well as dirt. For these reasons, it is critical to vacuum on a regular basis. Vacuuming makes your home more inviting to family, friends, and visitors. This is an important home maintenance routine for keeping carpets in good condition.

How often you should clean your carpets with pets?

Maintaining your home clean when you have pets can be a bit tricky. You may need to vacuum your carpets on a daily basis in order to keep pet hair and dander at bay. In addition to that, it is essential to have your carpets cleaned by a professional every 3 to 6 months.

Pets are prone to shedding, dropping fleas and having accidents on carpets. Not to mention running around with dirty paws. This can leave unpleasant stains on your carpets and also make them smell bad. It is important to make vacuuming a habit when you have pets. Keeping a schedule for professional carpet cleanings is also vital. The specialists have the type of equipment that will get the base of your carpeting and pick up dirt your vacuum cannot.

How often should you clean your carpets with children?

If you have children, you should take extra care of your carpets. It may be necessary to vacuum your carpets every day to keep them free of particles, dirt and grime. In case of spills, you should make sure you get them off your carpet as soon as possible. You may also need to give your carpet a deep clean more often. Hiring professional carpet cleaners every 3 to 6 months will ensure a clean and healthy living environment for you and your children.

Kids often leave a mess behind. They usually enjoy playing on the floor, which frequently results in spills and stains on the carpet. More worrying, however, is that children are exposed to bacteria and germs encapsulated within the carpet fibres. That is why you need to make sure that you not only vacuum your carpets on regular bases but also have them deep cleaned every three to six months.

Frequently asked questions